Websites / HTML Flashcards
What is a CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.
CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.
What is the HTML Code for Text?
< h1>This is a Heading < /h1>
< p>This is a paragraph. < /p>
What is the HTML Code for Text with Colour?
< h1 style=”background-color:Blue;”>This is a Heading< /h1>
< p style=”background-color:Red;”>This is a paragraph.< /p>
What is the HTML Code for an Image?
< img src=”Image.jpg” alt=”This is alt text”>\
What is the HTML Code for a Link?
< a href=””>Visit w3schools’ HTML tutorial
What is the HTML Code for resizing an Image?
< img src=”Image.jpg” alt=”This is alt text” style=”width:500px;height:600px;”>
< img src=”Image.jpg” alt=”This is alt text” width=”500” height=”600”>
What is the HTML Code for an Image in a Folder?
< img src=”/images/Image.jpg” alt=”This is alt text” style=”width:128px;height:128px;”>
What is the HTML Code for a Coloured Background?
< body style=”background-color:blue;”>
< /body>
What is the HTML Code for Resizing Text?
< h1 style=”font-size:300%;”>This is a heading < /h1>
< p style=”font-size:160%;”>This is a paragraph. < /p>
How do you Centre text in HTML Code?
< h1 style=”text-align:center;”>Centered Heading < /h1>
< p style=”text-align:center;”>Centered paragraph. < /p>
What is Search Engine Indexing?
Due to the size of the web, and the ever increasing amount of web pages, it almost impossible to find websites manually. To allow you to search through the vast amounts of websites search engines build up indexes which can be searched quickly by various search engines. Google is one of the most famous examples of search engine indexing
What is the Indexing / Spider Process?
Search engine spiders are used to automate the indexing of websites
The spider locates home page and reads the header page content and finds and follows links
Data is returned to search engine database and a list made of the words found and web pages they where found on. The search engine then indexes the web pages.
When you search for something the search engine looks through this index and returns the websites found on its list
The indexing system consists of key words and links to websites furthermore search engines make use of the meta tags developers implement into their websites (info we cannot see)
The act of spider-crawling changes over the years. Previously a spider would crawl the whole web before the pages were indexed by google, it could take over a month to crawl the whole web before the indexing would start.
What is the PageRank Algorithm?
PR(A) = (1 - d) + d(PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))
PR(A) = Page Ranke
PR(Tn) = is the PageRank of pages Tn that link to page A
C(Tn) is the PageRank of outbound links from page A
D is the dampening factor. Which is set to stop from (PR(TN)/C(TN)) getting too strong
What is the PageRank Process?
Pages are ranked by an algorithm and the higher the score the higher the web page appears in the results returned
Google page rank was originally based on a system that would rank the importance of research papers according to how often if is cited in other papers.
PageRank algorithm is measured by counting the amount and quality of the webpages that link to
It works on the assumption that important websites will have many likes to it.
What are Some factors that effect the PageRank Algorithm?
There are over 200 factors affecting search results some are:
- Using keywords in the tag
- The age of the website and date of last update
- The number and relevancy of keywords appearing in <h1> tags
- The Relevancy of the domain name to the content
- Link to and from the webpage </h1>
How does Server Side and Client Side effect websites?
The provide some interaction, scripting on the client side can be added for example to validate data entry.
For data that requires a response from the server, some server side scripting is required and PHP is considered the standard approach to doing things
Sensitive data should never be processed on client
What is JavaScript?
it is a Programming language that is typically used to add interactivity to a web page. It is usually interpenetrated rather than compiled so it can run on a variety of machines.