Software Flashcards
What is a Multi-Tasking Operating System?
Allows the user to have multiple applications open at the same time, in reality it isn’t true multitasking as the bus that sends data, would get clogged with data.
What is a Multi-User Operating System?
It allows different login accounts for different people, in reality this also isn’t a true multi-user system, a true multi-user system would be something like a mainframe.
What is Distributed Operating System?
Some operating systems combine the power of computers to work together on a single task.
What is Embedded Operating Systems?
These are embedded into devices that have a specific purpose, consoles used to be embedded systems but now they have multiple purposes such as watching on demand tv and using the internet.
What is Real-time Operating Systems?
The response time of a real-time operating system will often be a fraction of a second, Normal systems are not real time as there is a slightly larger delay.
What are some Examples of Software?
Microsoft Word – Work (Alt Notepad, )
Google Chrome – Browsing Internet (Alt Internet Explorer, Chrome is faster and I am used to it)
Steam – Games (Alt, Steam allows for more games )
Power point - Presentation
Python – Coding (Alt C#, Python is used for school,)
Unity – Coding (Alt Unreal Engine, Harder to use when compared to unity)
Discord – VOIP (Alt Skype, Discord is easier to use and has a higher quality of sound.)
What is Virtual Storage?
Virtual storage is used when the physical storage is full or close to full. It is stored on the hard drive, and can slow down the device, as a result of this.
What is a Page?
Pages are blocks of data of similar sizes, they are normally about 4kb. The OS uses a page table to keep track of the pages location in the memory.
What is Segmentation?
Segmentation is where the program is split up into logical sections, so that the code it splits makes sense and isn’t separated like it would be with pages.
What is a Driver?
A driver communicates with hardware, updates with patches, so that the system can run with the appropriate hardware.
What are Interupts?
The role of interrupts and interrupt service routines (ISR), role within the fetch decode execute cycle. The CPU needs to know when a device needs its attention so it interrupts to see if it does. An interrupt will have a priority indicating how urgently it requires attention. Too many interrupts can lead to the computer slowing down and instructions not being carried out.
What is ISR?
ISR (interrupt service routine), is a program that will run when an interrupt is received. The ISR is held in stack memory.
What is a Round Robin Scheduler?
It allocates a fixed time per process and then cycles through them until they are done
What is a Fist Come First Served Scheduler?
It is the simplest as they just put the actions in a queue as and when they arrive in that order.
What is a Shortest Running Time Scheduler?
It does this shorted job first… Simple
What is a Multi-Level Feedback Queues Scheduler?
Categories processes into their own queues which have their own priority. Each queue may have its own prioritisation algorithm.
What is Shortest Job First Scheduler?
This is where the scheduler prioritises smaller jobs to get them out of the way.
What is a Virtual Machine?
It is an operating system that emulates dedicated hardware, this allows people to emulate different machines on their computer.
What is the BIOS?
Bios is started up when the computer is first switched on. It directs, initializes and tests the hardware components, as well as booting up the operating system. It is stored in the ROM, so it is closer to the cpu and is none volatile.
What is the Waterfall Methodology?
The Waterfall life cycle is a well known development model. It consists of a sequence of stages. In the most basic form each stage is started only after the other is completed.
What is Extreme Programming?
A representative of the customer becomes part of the team. They help decide the requirements. Like Rad the program is coded, tested and improved repeatedly but in shorter iterations. When XP loops round new user requirements (user stories) are outlined and divided.
What is Spiral Methodology?
The spiral model focuses on risks, the idea is that risks are dealt with before any issues occur. The model consists of four stages, each forming a section of the spiral
There will be a ‘product’ at The end of each cycle of the Spiral, but it is not necessarily a version of the program.
What are interrupts?
Where different parts of the system get the attention of the CPU to process their needs, different interrupts are tackled based on their importance.
What will happen to the current instruction if there is an important interrupt?
It will be added to a stack so that once the interrupt it complete it can pop it from the stack and continue with it.
What is a Scheduler?
A Scheduler is used to maximise the number of jobs that are processed in a specific time, by allocating jobs a fair share of processor time.
What is the First Come First Served Scheduling Algorithm?
This is where Jobs are completed in the order they arrive, similar to First in First Out.
What is the Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm?
Jobs are split into time slices once the CPU has processed a job within the time slice, it moves it to the back of the queue and continues until all jobs are complete
What is the Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm?
Jobs are sorted based on their length with the shortest jobs being closer to the front.
What is the Shortest Remaining Time Scheduling Algorithm?
As processing goes on jobs get shorter, similar to Shortest Job First, but is pre-emptive, For example if a shorter job gets added to the queue, then the current job gets interrupted.
What is the Multi-Level Feedback Queue Scheduling Algorithm?
This is a complex algorithm that sets up a league table system and jobs rated according to time left, resources required and importance.
What’s the difference between a Procedure and a Function?
Both Are subsections of code that have a set purpose, however a procedure doesn’t return a value like a function does, because of this functions are more commonly used nowadays.