summarise the weberian view of gen ineq
believe that class, status and party can explain gender ineq
what does weber mean by class?
market position
what is market position?
marketable skills and qualifications
how do women have a lower market position?
glass ceiling, vertical segregation, gender pay gap and maternity leave
how is gender an aspect of status?
women perceived to have a lower social standing due to intersectionality with ethnicity, class, age etc
how do women have a lack of power?
through party
what leads to a woman’s exclusion from certain industries and opportunities?
lack of social and business connections
what has a lack of connections led to?
women networks being formed, connect women in the same industry who are experiencing the same barriers
Barron and Norris found the…
dual market theory
what is the dual market theory?
high-status primary sector made up of men in secure, well paid jobs and that women are in the secondary labour market in insecure and part-time jobs
why are women less likely to gain the status of primary sector employment?
because women’s careers are likely to be interrupted to pregnancy and childcare
what does Harnett say about myths held by employers?
workers don’t want a female boss because they feel that they are less dependable
Barron and Norris said that what is weak?
the legal and political framework protecting women from prejudice
who criticises the dual labour market?
Bradley says it fails to explain the inequality in the same sector
what is an example of inequality in the same sector?
teaching is not a secondary labour market jib, but women are less likely than men wo gain higher status in this profession
how would feminists criticise weberian view on gender inequality?
say that gender is a significant source of inequality in a patriarchal society