Web Design and Development (Implementation: CSS) Flashcards
What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheet
What do CSS files do?
CSS files add style to a webpage
What are the two types of style sheets?
External Style Sheets
Internal Style Sheets
What are External Style Sheets and what are they used for?
External Style Sheets are separate CSS files which are linked to at the top of the document (in the head section). They can be accessed at the top of the page in the toolbar. They are used to apply style to multiple pages to make them consistent
What are Internal Style Sheets and what are they used for?
Internal Style Sheets are are style sheets in the same document which are used to apply style to the one page. They are situated in the section, in between head tags
What are some examples of the syntax used to edit text in a CSS file?
font-size font-family color text-align background-color
What are used to show which way to edit text?
: and ;
eg. font-size: 14px;
What is used to introduce editing of text?
eg. h1 {
How would we style a CSS file to include;
- black text
- helvetica font
- font size 14
- text alined to the right
(for the h1 attribute)
h1 { color: black; font-family: heltevica; font-size: 14px; text-align: right; }