Weather Investigation Flashcards
Relative humidity
Wet/dry bulb thermometer (hygrometer)
Humidity is amount moisture /w v in air
Hygrometer has 2 thermometers-one records air temp and other kept damp so records temp as if air was 100% saturated- diff between temps determines relative humidity of air (read from a table)
Wind direction
Wind vane
Compass points used to give wind direction. And measured in direction wind coming
Placed on top of buildings so fully exposed to wind
Wind speed
Wind forces cups to rotate(connected to meter)
Meter converts rotations into wind speed -km/h
Cloud cover
Eye- estimate cloud cover by looking up at Sky
Judge how many eights are covered
How to measure Environmental quality survey investigation
Noise pollution
Air pollution
Water pollution
Visual pollution
Use of environmental quality surveys
To identify probs or damage in environment with aim to make it better
To compare diff areas quickly and easily
Increase total no of points
Describe and explain the following when recording investigations
How layout of recording sheet aids analysis of data collected
Reason behind location of each instrument measuring characteristic
Reason why type of sampling adopted provides reliable data eg random, stratified, systematic
Data presentation advantages
Shows spatial distribution e. Dot map Shows variations between regions and countries e.g. Chloropleth map Visually interesting (colours) Very bold and clear Easy to understand Clearly shows trends and anomalies
Disadvantages of data presentation
Can disguise intra- region or intra -country variations e.g cloropleth map
Some are hard to see trends and anomalies
Some are very complicated to read
Symbols take up too much room
Types of graphs used
Histogram-like bar graph,but just 1 type of data (e.g how many brothers and sisters people have)
Scatter graph - show relationship between 2 variable pieces of data
Isoline maps- show weather data like temperature,wind speed,pressure
triangular graphs-show 3 related pieces of data =100% primary, secondary, tertiary data or young dependents,old dependants, economically active
Other graphs used
Radial (kite) graphs-good for showing related data that can all be scored out of same score (%gcse students who chose geography , Latin, chemistry, maths and French
Wind rose graphs-good for showing wind speed and wind direction
Kite diagrams-good for showing transacts e.g. How vegetation change from coast through a sand dune
Other graphs
Flow (system) diagrams- show positive negative multiplier effect ie one factor that causes another factor, show more complicated relationships like the hydrological cycle
Desire lines- straight line shows trip between 2 locations, not necessarily actual route followed, one line for each journey
Max/min thermometer for diurnal range
Mixture Mercury and alcohol