Weapons Day 1 Flashcards
Weapons Day 1
Cardinal rules
- You will improve your state of combat readiness to increase your chances of surviving a lethal confrontation.
- Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. No exceptions.
- Keep your booger hook off the bang switch aka
- Keep your finger outside of the trigger guard, high on the slide, until you are a target and have decide to fire.
0- Point the muzzle in a safe direction at all times. Never point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy.
Securing a weapon other than your own
- Request assistance with an unfamiliar firearm from an officer who is familiar
- Make visual inspection assessment inspecting for mechanical safeties.
- Take physical control with due regard to evidence potential
- Remove ammunition
- Inspect chamber
- Secure physically
Discharging a firearms other than a person
- Determine appropriateness considering:
- Alternative options
- Potential civil liability
- Potential adverse public relations
- Ability to place an effective shot
On Duty Carry
- Badge
- ID
- License
Off Duty
- Follow department policy
- Consider concealment and training
- Carry ID
- Determine appropriateness of getting involved be a good witness
- Store ammo away from firearms
- Inaccessible to children
Post Shooting legal Procedures
- Exercise caution before making an immediate statement
- Garrity rights. Statements made under thread of job action may not be used against the officer in a criminal proceeding.
- Engage legal representation
- Write a rough draft before making a final
- Include information only in which you have personal knowledge
- Articulate the facts which established the PC for the shooting based on law, practice, training and experience
How many sleep cycles to recall the most information after a stressful situation
2-3 sleep cycles
Testifying in Court on Shooting
- Refresh knowledge regarding the incident by reviewing state law and ept police
- Review incident and field notes
- Review firearms training record and content
- Dress appropriately
- Articulate the facts
We carry a gun under which legislative house bill
PA 381 2000
On Duty and carrying make sure to get what?!
You have to go get the exemption
Firearms laws
Iminent threat of great bodily harm or death to myself or someone else, or a sexual assault.
Graham vs Connor slide 51
Reasonable man standard “objective reasonableness”
All facts and circumstances, judged from perspective or a reasonable police officer, on scene (without 20/20 hindsight)
Tennessee vs Garner
Such force may not bse used unless necessary to prevent he escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a signiffcant thread of death or great bodily harm to the officer or others
People v Fielder
Officer shot a fleeing subject that he thought was a wanted subject for murder. Was not the case, charged with manslaughter.
Firestone v. Rice
Can use force to arrest people (1888 case)
People v McCord
Unable to use needless violence (1889 case)
Washington v Starke
Affirms Tennessee v Gardner
Jenkins v Starkey
know it and look it up
When I can use deadly force
Fleeing felon that poses great bodily harm or death to others
In self defence of iminent threat or great bodyly harm
In defence others facing iminent threat or great bodyly harm
One way to think about what justfies taking human life
The only thing that justifies you to shoot another human is the overwhleming need to cause that person to immediately cease what they are doing. The need must be so great that I does not matter if the person dies as a result of being stopped.
Preparing for a lethal encounter
- Listen to the firearms cadre
- Improve phyiscal condition
- Put faith system in place
- Have good nutrition and good sleep
- Train hard and train often
- Maintain a winning mindset
- Be a professional