WE Flashcards
How do you calculate an FTE?
an 8-hour occupant has and FTE value of 1.0; a part-time occupand has a FTE value based on work hours per day divided by 8
What is the default gender ratio for indoor water use reduction calculations
50: 50
What fixtures and fittings must be included in the indoor water use reduction calculations?
Water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, kitchen sink faucets, and pre-rinse spray valves
What is WaterSense?
WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by EPA, helping consumers identify water efficient products and programs.
What water-related building aspects must be considered for integrative process?
Interior water demand
Outdoor water demand
Process water demand
Supply source
What should be used to estimate the water storage capacity of a site during a site assessment?
Urban Hydrology for Small watersheds technical release 55 (TR-55) or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.
What are some ways to capture rainwater to prevent runoff?
LID and Green infrastructure
What optional systems can be submetered for water metering?
Two or more of the following: irrigation Indoor plumbing fixture and fittings Domestic hot water Boilers Reclaimed water Other process water
What frequency must metered data be compiled for Building-Level-Water Metering?
Monthly and annual summaries
What percent of water distribution must be submetered for irrigation, indoor plumbing fixture, domestic hot water, or other process water?
80% must be submetered
What type of water is municipally supplied reclaimed/recycled water?
Using EPA’s WaterSense Water Budget tool
What minimum percent reduction of outdoor water use is required from a calculated baseline?
30% reduction from the calculated baseline for the site’s peak watering month
How can reductions be achieved for WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction?
- Plans species selection
and - Irrigation efficiency
- Alternative water sources cannot be used for the prerequisite
What percent reduction is required for WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reductin?
50% from the calculated baseline for the site’s peak watering month
What areas are excluded from outdoor water use reduction calculations?
Non vegetated surfaces ( permeable and impermeable pavement) are excluded. Athletic fields, food gardens, and playgrounds can be included or excluded at the project team’s discretion.
How can reductions be achieved beyond 30% be achieve for outdoor water use reduction?
Any combination of efficiency, alternative water sources, and smart scheduling techinologies
What reduction is automatically earned when installing smart irrigation controls for WE Credit outdoor water use reduction?
15% form the baseline
What must be conducted for Cooling Tower Water use?
A one-time potable water analysis measuring at least the required five control parameters
What indoor water use reduction percent earns exemplary performance?
What minimum number of cooling tower cycles would earn a project 2 points?
A 10-cycle minimum