Waves (6) - Pt3 Flashcards
What emits infrared?
-all objects are continually emitting ans absorbing infrared radiation. It emitted from the surface of the object
How much infrared an object emits depends on what?
- the hotter an object the more infrared it radiates
- an object hotter than its surroundings emits more IR radiation than it absorbs as it cool down
- an object cooler than its surroundings absorbs more IR than it emits as it warms up
- objects at constant temperature emit and absorb infrared radiation at the same rate
- some colours & surfaces are better at absorbing and emitting radiation
What surfaces are the best surfaces from absorbing and emitting radiation and which are the worst?
- best: black and Matt
- worst: white and shiny
What’s a perfect black body?
- an object that absorbs all of the radiation that hits it.
- It doesn’t reflect or transmit any radiation.
- a good absorber is also a good emitter, a perfect black body would be the best possible emitter.
What does the temperature oft he earth depend on?
- the amount of radiation it emits, absorbs ans reflects
- during the day light is absorbed from the sun
- at night less radiation is being absorbed than emitted
How do sound waves travel?
- sound waves cause vibrations a series of rear fractions and compression (they’re longitudinal waves)
- they travel fastest in solids and cause the particles to vibrate
What’s the human sound range?
20 Hz to 20 kHz
How do ears work?
- sound waves cause the ear drum to vibrate
- the vibrations pass to the ossicles and then to the cochlea
- the cochlea turns there’s vibrations into electrical signals and sends the to your brain
- human hearing is limited by the size and shape of our ear drums
What happens when sound waves are reflected?
(Reflected by hard flat surfaces)
-echos are reflected sound waves
What are the properties of ultra sound?
- has a frequency higher than 20 000 Hz
- it gets partially reflected at boundaries (some of the wave is reflected and the rest is transmitted), so it can measure how far away something is
Explain how ultra sound can be used medically?
- pre-natal scanning of a foetus
- it’s partially reflected back and detected when it reaches the fluid if the womb
- it’s safer then x-rays
Explain how ultrasound can be used for industrial imaging?
- finding flaws in materials
- ultrasound waves are usually reflected from either side of the material if there’s a crack it will reflected sooner
What’s echo-sounding?
- it uses high frequency sound waves (including ultrasound)
- used by boats ams submarines to find out the depth of wanted or to locate objects in deep water
How do you detected seismic waves?
What are the 2 types of seismic waves?
P-waves and S-waves
What are the properties of P-waves?
P-waves are longitudinal
They travel through solids and liquids
They’re faster then S-waves
What are the properties of S-waves?
They’re transverse
Can’t travel through liquids or gases
Slower than P-waves
How have S and P waves helped?
Our current understanding of the internal structure if the earth and size if the earths core is based of observations of P and S waves Crust Solid-ish mantle Liquid outer core Solider inner core