Wave 2: Humanistic and Existential Flashcards
Person centred approach overview
- modernist
- carl rogers
people are innately good.
morality, ethical values and good intentions are life’s driving forces.
we behave as we do because of the way we perceive our psychological situation
Where do problems come from?
person centred
- we begin to regard ourselves in the way we that others view us.
- some behaviours regard positively but are not satisfying and vice versa.
- conditions of worth (conditions we feel we must meet to be accepted by others)
How does the person centred approach support change?
- congruency
- empathy
- unconditional positive regard.
- therapeutic relationship is the critical variable.
What are the techniques used in the person centred approach?
- not technique oriented.
- therapeutic relationship critical.
- client sets their own goals.
Existential approach overview
- modernist
- Frankl, Yalom
humans are in a constant state of transition, emerging, evolving and becoming.
being human = discovering and making sure of our existence = continuously questioning ourselves, others and the world.
- four stages
Four stages of the existential approach
Umwelt: ourselves in relation to the physical world.
Mitwelt: social world; being-with-others.
Eigenwelt: how we reflect on our own self; being-for-oneself
authenticity: brings openness to nature, others and ourselves.
the goal is to reach authenticity.
How the existential approach supports change and its techniques
Supports change:
- assisting clients to move towards authenticity.
- teaches clients to recognise when they are deceiving themselves.
- helps clients face anxiety and engage in action based on creating a worthy existence
- not technique oriented
- i-thou
- counsellor models authenticity
How do problems arise?
existential anxiety (meaninglessness, death, freedom and isolation)