Watershed Quiz 4 Flashcards
Snow Water Equivalent: the depth of liquid water that would be released if all the snow in a snowpack were completely melted.
What is SWE measured with?
Snow tube
SWE=60*.2 = 12gcm
Pwater= 1g/cm
12gcm/1gcm= 12cm
Snow accumulation factors
Elevation effects
As elevation ⏫️ snow ⏫️
Trend is cause by
-⏫️ precipitation events due to orographic effects
-⏫️precipitation events due to snow
-⏬️ ablation
The total loss of water from a snowpack due to snowmelt, evaporation, and sublimation
Snow accumulation - aspect
South aspect
North aspect
Snow accumulation- wind
-redistribution of snow affected by vegetation. Cedar lowest wind speed pine forest highest
-loss of water by sublimation and evaporation
Snow accumulation - vegetation
-increased snow in 2-5H gaps and openings
-if HD is considerably greater than tree height clearing may become wind swept
-snow packs melt earlier post harvest but these effects are short lived
-process in which precipitation falls on and is held on terrestrial surfaces where it is subject to evaporation.
-HAS to evaporate to be considered interception
Primary influences on interception
-Vegetation characteristics
-precipitation regime
Through fall- water able to infiltrate into the soil
Pg, Pn
Pg= gross precipitation
Pn= net precipitation
Ic, IT, Sf
Ic= canopy interception
It= litter interception
Sf= streamflow
Total interception
Ic + It
Net precipitation
Pnet = Gross precip(Pg) - all interception (I)
Amount reaching forest soil
Amount reaching forest soil Pnet = Th + Sf
Interception losses vegetation
Canopy storage
- conifers have more interception than deciduous due to higher leaf area index
- growing seasons have higher impact on interception than dormat seasons
- Spatial arrangement, SDI, crown closure
- crown form / branching habit
-bark form
Vegetation factors on precip deep dive
-clear cuts lead to less precipitation because of a loss of fog drip
-stand density ⏫️ then crown closure ⏫️ then LAI ⏫️ then interception ⏫️
-crown form
- branch angle ⏬️ then interception ⏫️(Douglas fir)
- branch angle ⏫️ then ⏫️ in stemflow and through fall(big leaf maple)
Bark form
⏫️ bark roughness then ⏫️ in contact and surface area ⏫️ in bark storage water capacity and ⏫️ in interception
Storm sizes and frequency
-more intense precipitation leads to less interception
Interception storage capacity
The max amount of water held in all aerial portions of the vegetation or in the litter which may be subject to interception loss. Different species and vegetation types have different max amount of precipitation they can store
What has more storage capacity rain or snow?
Does older vegetation hold more water?
Yes they have higher interception capacities
More storms
Less interception capacity
Gross precipitation increases leading to
Interception to decrease. With more precipitation you have low vpd leading to less evaporation and high RH. also interception storage capacity has peaked
What is the best date to snow survey?
April 1st because we assume snowpack is at its deepest