Waters III Flashcards
T or F. All O2 delivered from the lungs is delivered to tissue. (or in other words, no O2 is seen in venous circulation)
F. Only about 250ml/min of O2 is delivered out of 1000mL/min in arterial circulation
T or F. There is more CO2 in arterial circulation that O2 at any given time
T. Counter-intuitive but there is way more Co2 in the blood (arterial and venous) than O2.
NOTE: There is more Co2 in venous circulation than arterial
What is respiratory quotient (RQ)?
The ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed by tissue
What is a normal RQ?
0.8 (200ml/min produced to 250ml/min used)
RQ for carbs? fat? protein?
so for fat and protein, t takes more O2 to produce 1 co2
Gas exchange between alveolar gas and blood and between blood and tissue is entirely by ____.
What is the eqn. for Po2?
atmospheric pressure x fraction of O2 molecules in DRY air
or 159 mm Hg usually
What happens when air is inspired?
it is warmed to 37C and humidified (aka water vapor is formed)
What happens to Po2 when air is inspired?
lowers to 150 mm Hg
(760-47 (for water vapor))*0.21
Eqn for conc. of a gas in solution (Henry’s law)
equals a*Px where a=solubility of the gas in solution
thus, two different gases at the same partial pressure can have different concentrations (i.e. CO2 is way more concentrated in water than O2)
What is Fick’s Law of Diffusion?
gas flow (volume/time)= (A/thickness)Diffusion constant(P1-P2)
where P1-P2 = conc. gradient
What variables of Fick’s eqn. does emphysema affect?
decreased A
What variables of Fick’s eqn. does fibrosis affect?
increased thickness
T or F. Co2 diffuses up to 20x faster than O2
What is the Po2 in alveoli? Why isn’t it the same as the atmosphere?
About 105mm Hg because there is mixing with deoxygenated air
alveolar Co2 (PAco2) is around 40 mm Hg
What is the PO2 in arterial (PaO2) blood?
100 mm Hg
What is the Pco2 in arterial (Paco2) blood?
40 mm Hg
What is the PO2 in venous blood?
40 mm Hg
What is the PCO2 in venous blood?
46 mm Hg
Eqn for PAco2
k*(CO2 production rate/alveolar ventilation)
where k= 863 mm Hg at BTPS
What is ‘hypoventilation’?
increase in PAco2 due to alveolar ventilation not keeping up with Co2 production
What factors determine PAo2?
- Pio2 of inspired air (less at high altitude)
- Alveolar ventilation (lower increases PAco2 and decreases PAO2)
- cellular oxygen consumption (higher consumption = higher)
Eqn for PAo2
= Pio2- (PAco2/R), where R takes into account Co2 production/O2 consumption
What is hypoxemia?
lower than normal Po2 (100 mm Hg)