Water World Flashcards
An underground store of water, formed when water bearing (permeable) rocks lie on top of impermeable rocks.
Water contained beneath the surface, as a reserve.
Hydrological cycle
The global stores of water, and the processes that connect them.
Not allowing water to pass through.
The process whereby water soaks into the soil, and rock.
Intermediate technology
Technology that the local community is able to use relatively easily, and without much cost.
Lines of weakness in a rock that water can pass along.
Over abstraction
When water is being used more quickly than it is being replaced.
Allowing water to pass through.
The presence of chemicals, noise, dirt, or substances which have harmful, or poisonous effects on an environment.
Small air spaces in a rock, or other material that can also be filled with water.
When moisture falls from the atmosphere as rain, hail, sleet, or snow.
Regulated flow
The steady movement of water through a drainage basin that will not bring flash flooding.
River pollution
The emission of harmful, or poisonous substances into river water.
Water that flow slowly through the soil until it reaches a river.
Water harvesting
Storing rainwater, or used water (grey water) for use in periods of drought.
Water management schemes
Programmes to control rivers, generally organised by local, or central government.
Water store
A build up of water that has collected on, or below the ground, or in the atmosphere.
Water table
The level in the soil, or bedrock below which water is usually present.
Water stress
Occurs when the demand for water exceeds the amount available during a certain period, or when it is not of good enough quality to use.