Water Seperator (OWS) Reverse Osmosis (RO) Flashcards
WMSL ows power supply
440 VAC
WMSL OWS can process how many gal of oily contaminated water per hour
50 gallons per hour
WMSL OWS which component allows for overboard discharge?
Control module
The tendency to attract oil is known as what ?
What is he 87 RO MCC
master control center
87 RO display lights
Normal operation-green light permeate is flowing through product valve
Dump cleaning- yellow product valve is closed
Salinity alarm-red flashing permeate quality is above salinity set point
How long do you circulate the winterizing solution through the R/o?
15 min
WMSL R/O unit is designed to produce ___ GPM
4.3 gal per min at 500 PPM is normal operating mode
WMSL R/O filtration is?
25 micron
What is the maximum halogen required after taking water from an unknown source 30 min after being in the tank?
2.0 PPM
WMSL filtration after the media filter is what size?
5 to 20 micron filters
5 to 20 micron filters
WMSL high pressure pump builds water pressure to a max of ? PSI
950 PSI
What voltage is the WMSL R/O
440 VAC
What is the smallest micron the eye can see
40 micron
R/O rings should be lubricated with what?
Glycerin or silicone lubricant
What is the R/O flushing time for a WMSL R/O
20 min