Water Baptism and The Name Fall 23' Flashcards
What is the word “baptism” generally accepted to mean?
Immersion in water (pg.2)
What Old Testament ceremonies pre-figured baptism?
purification (pg.2)
The scriptures point repeatedly to baptism being practiced how?
In water by immersion and using the name of Jesus (pg.4)
What does Romans 6:3-5 compare baptism to?
Being buried (pg.6)
The Sacramental View of Baptism indicates what is received by the person being baptized.
Remission of sins (pg.7)
Who baptized Jesus Christ?
John the Baptist (pg.8)
Although Christ is the only high priest, how many priests are there in the Church?
We all are designed as prests by the word of the Lord. (pg.10)
Who has the authority to baptize?
Pastor and other leaders of ministry (pg.11)
What is the New Testament formula for baptism?
In the name of Jesus (pg.12)
Was anyone baptized in the “name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost” in the scriptures”
No (pg.13)
Is sincerity enough to obtain salvation?
No (pg.2)
How many times is the kingdom mentioned in the New Testament?
144 times
How did Jesus tell Nicodemus he must be saved?
By the water and of the spirit (pg.4)
Matthew 16:13-19 shows a distinction between what four levels of the knowledge of God?
- What do OTHERS say about who Jesus is?
- WHat do YOU say about who Jesus is?
- What does DIVINE REVELATION tell you about who He is?
- What does God reveal to you about WHO YOU ARE? (pg. 5)
When the people asked Peter on the Day of Pentecost what they must do to be saved, how did he reply?
Acts 2:38 (pg. 6)
There is power in whose name?
The name of Jesus (pg.7)