The Dynamics of Soul Winning 24' Flashcards
Lessons 1-4
A witness can only report on what two things?
What he has SEEN & HEARD pg. 2
Our personal testimony should be what two things?
Silent & Spoken pg. 3
Why is our personal testimony powerful?
It is;
Enticing pg. 5
What is a simple technique for sharing your personal experience?
- Before I received eternal life
- How I received eternal life
- Now I enjoy changed life
pg. 6
What did Matthew say about our light?
We are the light of the world! pg. 6
What is the definition of Oikos?
A dwelling;
A family;
A house pg. 6
How does I Corinthians 12:12-14 compare the Church to our body?
For the body to function as it was created to function, all parts are necessary. pg. 6
How has God set the members in the body?
all important parts pg. 6
What three parts does a cell have?
Cell membrane
Nucleus pg. 7
How does the three parts of a cell correspond to the makeup of the members of Christ’s body?
Each of us are individual cells ministering to each other in the body as a whole. pg. 8
In Deuteronomy, how did God tell His people to treat strangers and why?
To love the stranger;
Because we should not forget where we came from– treat them how you would want to be treated. pg. 3 L2
What words did Jesus speak to the demoniac at Gadara?
Comeout of the man, thou unclean spirit pg. 5 L2
What should be our attitude towards people who may look like hopeless cases?
Love thy neighbor as our-self pg. 6
What story did Jesus tell to answer the question, “Who is my neighbor?”
The Good Samaritan pg. 6
Hebrews 13:2 tells us that we should entertain whom, and why?
because in the process we may entertain angels unaware. pg. 7
What is the supreme task of the Church?
To evangelize the church pg. 8