Water and Electrolytes Flashcards
Describe the normal distribution of body fluids
60% of the body is water
- 2/3rds in intracellular.
- Extracellular fluid is the intravascular fluid (including plasma and interstitial fluid)
- Osmolality = total amount of solute in water.
- Water moves down osmolar gradients.
- Extra and intracellular concentration of solutes must be the same otherwise water will move, but the compartments are made up of different salts.
- Osmolality is very tightly regulated between 285-295 mosmol/l. You lose the ability to concentrate your urine as you age (there is a much larger range of osmolality of urine - 50-1500 mosm/l than plasma).
Describe the normal composition of body fluids -> IC vs EC fluid
Osmolality is identical;
IC: main cation is K+ and anion is PO4-;
EC: main cation is Na+ and anion is HCO3- (and Cl-)

What are the causes of dehydration?
Vomiting and diarrhea • Alcohol • Diabetes mellitus • Diabetic ketoacidosis/hyperosmolar coma • Diabetes insipidus • Bleeding • Brain injury to posterior pituitary • Post-operative • Sepsis • Anorexia Burns – loss of skin resulting in loss of water and salts through exposed subcutaneous layers so it is difficult to know how much fluid someone is losing as you cant measure evaporated water – weigh them! • Earthquakes – hot, lack of water, bleeding, possible infections, muscle crush injuries and rhabomyolysis (this releases chemicals from muscles which cause renal failure) • Iatrogenic – chemotherapy may be emetic or nephrotoxic resulting in volume depletion, diuretics • Exercising
Why does blood urea rise when dehydrated?
As dehydrated and because kidneys aren’t perfused well so they can’t function
What happens if you give someone IV hypertonic saline?
Increase circulating blood volume as water is also drawn out of cells, so increase in BP too (not indefinitely as water redistributes in the body)
What happens if you give someone IV NaCl 0.9% saline?
Increase in circulating blood volume but increase in BP will be smaller as no osmotic difference between saline and blood plasma
What happens if you give someone IV 5% dextrose?
Dextrose taken up into cells as metabolite so blood vol goes up for a short time only. Osmolality decreases as once the glucose is taken up it is like giving the patient water (diluting)
What are the functions of each part of the kidney - Glomerulus, PCT, LoH, DCT and CD?
G: filters 180L/day; PCT: Reabsorbs 70% of solutes and water, fluid reabsorption is mostly isosmotic, so solute conc in tubule is same as in plasma, so doesn’t help conc the urine. LoH: Desc = permeable to water and salt stays in, Thin = water permeable and salt diffuses out, thick = active reabsorption of Na via NaK2Cl pump. Asc pumps ions into the interstitial fluid, so the tubular fluid osmolality here decreases, and increases in the interstitial fluid. Desc: water moves out to counteract the now more concentrated interstitium; this makes the osmolality in desc tubular fluid higher than asc. The process is repeated since fluid is constantly flowing through the nephron. The result is a very concentrated interstitial fluid in the medulla, especially at the base of the loop. Conc of urine occurs since asc is impermeable to water, water cannot diffuse down the osmotic gradient into the medulla. DCT: Actively resorbs solutes (2-3%) via NaCl pump, with urine max dilute here. CD: ADH sensitive -> with ADH then water insensitive, so dilute urine
What is needed to make dilute urine?
Adequate fluid delivery, Na reabsorption into thick asc. and impermeable CD for water
What is needed to make concentrated urine?
Not too much fluid delivery/Na reabsorption in thick asc, ADH production should be normal, medullary hypertonicity must be normal
What are the 3 hormones involved in regulation of water reabsorption?
What is the role of ADH in water reabsorption?
A nonapeptide synthesized by the hypothalamus and secreted from the posterior pituitary • Osmoreceptors sense the change in serum osmolality (NOT Na+ concentration) • 1% increase in ECF osmolality causes more ADH release (e.g. in fluid deprivation). • 1% decrease in ECF osmolality causes less ADH release (e.g. with water ingestion). • Non-osmotic stimuli also causing release include stress, hypoxia, pain and volume depletion. • MOA: 1) Direct vasoconstrictor, 2) NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of LOH, 3) Water retention in the collecting ducts • V2 receptor binding activates cAMP, which stimulates AQP2 incorporation into the apical membrane (i.e. tubular lumen of CD cell).
What is the role of the RAAS in water reabsorption?
Ang2 -> Vasoconstriction; Increased Na and water retention; Stimulates aldosterone release. • Many drugs target this system: direct renin inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, ARBs • Patients must stop taking these drugs if they get volume depleted e.g. with vomiting
What is the role of ANP in water reabsorption?
Polypeptide released from cardiac myocytes due to stretch. ANP has opposite effects compared to the other systems: • Increases urinary excretion of Na and water • Inhibits Na resorption by the collecting duct • Inhibits renin production and aldosterone secretion • Vaptans interfere with this system
What is the mechanism of water balance when fluid is ingested/deprived?
When fluid ingestion increases (e.g. 5 pints of beer), serum osmolality decreases • There is thirst suppression • Decrease in ADH release • More water excretion (to make maximally dilute urine) • With fluid deprivation serum osmolality increases • Thirst increases • Increase in ADH release • More water reabsorption and urine becomes concentrated
How is too much water lost through the kidneys?
No ADH (born without it, or drugs suppressing release) • Kidney insensitive to ADH • Thick ascending limb NaKCl2 channel blocked • Other solutes carrying water through the kidney, especially glucose • Alcohol and caffeine (block cAMP in tubular cells) • Drugs inhibiting ADH • Excess ANP
What are the different symptoms of dehydration at 1, 2, 3-4, 6, 8 and 20% of weight loss?
• 1% weight loss thirst • 2% weight loss more thirst, vague discomfort and loss of appetite • 3-4% weight loss increased RBC concentration, lethargy, apathy, nausea and emotional instability • 6% weight loss tingling limbs, heat exhaustion and increased body temperature • 8% weight loss dizziness, confusion and delirium • 20% weight loss death
What are the clinical features of dehydration and why are they important?
You can distinguish between intracellular and intravascular fluid depletion -> Intravascular depletion: postural hypotension (intravascular depletion); Intracellular/interstitial depletion: tachycardia, low skin turgor, sunken eyes, dry mouth and thirst • You can use an electric current to measure the resistance of water through the body to measure dehydration.
What are the biochemical features of dehydration?
High serum osmolality • High serum Na • High/low or normal serum K/Mg/Ca • High serum urea • High Hb
How do you treat dehydration?
If fluid is lost -> replace fluid, give water. If salt and water then give saline; get other solutes balanced too
How is sodium balance maintained in the kidney?

What are the buffer systems present in the body?
Normal pH range is 7.35-7.45, with H20 H+ + OH-. Bicarbonate and pCO2 are the 2 main buffer systems
What is the role of bicarbonate in pH?
Reg by kidneys; if low in met acidocis = 1) Renal failure, mineral-corticoid deficiency, lower GI losses (diarrhoea) – usually present with a high chloride. 2) Due to excess acids (lactate and ketones) – do not usually present with a high chloride and therefore have an anion gap present. if high in met alkalosis = Usually due to fluid losses in upper GI tract or on diuretics NB: Base excess is clinically used alongside bicarbonate to assess acid-base status to improve accuracy (normal = 0, normal range -2 to +2, if positive implies excess base).
What is the anion gap?
The anion gap is the difference between positive and negatively charged electrolytes. Normal 8-16. Calculation: Anion Gap = Na+ – Cl- - HCO3
What is the role of pCO2 in pH?
Reg by lungs -> normal 4.5-6; 2 types of resp disorders differentiated by pCO2 = The change in pCO2 depends on whether there is a global or focal lung problem. If there is a focal problem, the healthy parts of the lung can compensate and hence CO2 exchange is normal. If there is a global problem, there is no compensation and therefore there is decreased removal of CO2. Type 1: Focal lung problem (some healthy lung) -> pCO2 normal or sometimes low hence respiratory alkalosis, Usually due to pneumonia or PE. Type 2: Global problem -> pCO2 often high hence respiratory acidosis. Usually a problem with ventilation or a global lung pathology e.g airways disease (chronic bronchitis) or pulmonary fibrosis.
What is compensation and when does it occur?
When one system compensates for the other to normalise pH -> Met acidosis = respiratory compensation occurs as patient over ventilates to breathe out more CO2 = occurs QUICKLY; respiratory acidosis = met compensation occurs as kidney raises HCO3 levels creating artificial alkalosis = SLOWLY in long term respiratory conditions. For alkalosis there could be but is rarely seen. Compensation occurs in the normal range but never above
How is potassium regulated?
EC K is 3.5-5.5 mmol/L -.> reg by Na/K ATPase pump (ENaC/ROMK) (affected by adrenaline B2 [lowers plasma K], insulin and thyroxine) and DCT (aldosterone causes reabsorption of Na in exchange for K so increases K secretion into urine) - K excretion dependent on Aldosterone (increase aldosterone = increase K secretion) and plasma K conc (increase conc = increase K secretion). When you eat a meal containing K the kidneys begin excreting K before plasma conc rises
Which factors cause low plasma K?
Most common cause of hypoK = D&V ( rich fluid loss from GIT. Reduced intake - unusual but could contribute; renal losses - mineralocorticoid excess, renal tubular disorder and diuretics; IC shift - glucose load (insulin release when glucose ingested driving K into cells), adrenaline and alkalosis.
What are the factors causing high plasma K?
Increased intake -> unlikely as we eliminate a large amount per day, but can be contributory; renal retention -> mineralocorticoid deficiency, ACEi, renal failure, K sparing diuretics; IC shift -> Insulin deficiency, Acidosis (H+ competes with K+ so you don’t get good pump activity), exercise, cell lysis
What is the main issue with hyperkalaemia and what are the features?
Abnormal ECG -> Tented T waves (ventricular repolarisation affected), loss of P waves (atrial depolarisation), broad QRS (ventricular depolarisation) and bradycardia

How do you treat hyperkalaemia?
CaCl IV -> 10ml 10% -> no effect on plasma K but does reduce effect of K on cardiac excitability and limits ECG changes, so heart is resistant to K changes; 50% glucose 50ml, so shift of K from ECF to ICF, lowering pK within 30min and lasts for 4-6h; NaHCO3 if pt not fluid overloaded, and affects K ECF->ICF
Why is pH important and what are the consequences of changes in pH?
Alters charges on a.a., leading to protein structure changes -> consequences: Impaired ventricular function Arrhythmias, lower fibrillation threshold Vasodilation, catecholamine release Impaired oxygen delivery Bronchoconstriction Reduced hepatic/renal blood flow Impaired consciousness Respiratory muscle fatigue Protein catabolism Insulin resistance
What is the base excess?
Its a measure of the kidney’s contribution to the acid base balance
What is pCO2?
Measure of lung’s contribution to acid-base balance -> 4.5-6. Has a linear relationship with CO2 conc in blood
How is pH regulated in the body?
Increase breathing -> pCO2 decreasing, resp alkalosis, caused by type 1 resp failure (pneumonia or PE) and hyperventilation; decrease breathing -> pCO2 increases, resp acidosis

What occurs in lobar pneumonia?
Blood in affected lobe will not become fully saturated, blood in unaffected areas will be fully saturated, with increase in breathing rate increasing O2 sat, but the blood leaving the lungs will not be 100%, so lowers O2 content of blood. Also blood leaving affected area will have a higher CO2 conc, and blood leaving unaffected will have abnormally low CO2 conc as you are hyperventilating, so you end up with normal CO2 conc
What is type 1 resp failure and what causes it?
Focal lung disorders -> low O2 (<8kPa) and CO2 is normal/low. Caused by pneumonia and PE, determined by CXR (pneumonia can be seen)
What is pO2?
Normal = >10.5kPa, depending on air (100% = 50kPa), should be half the % of inspired O2
What is pulmonary fibrosis?
Diffuse lung abnormality, as both lungs not functioning, you get low O2 and high CO2 -> type 2 resp failure
What are the causes of type 2 resp failure?
Airway disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis. 2 things wrong in type 2 RF = pO2 low, pCO2 high
What are the common causes of metabolic acidosis?
Renal failure, mineralocorticoid deficiency, diarrhoea, also associated with high chloride; can also be caused by changes in other acids: Lactic acid, ketoacids -> NOT characterised by high chloride as they have a different anion, which aren’t normally measured
What is the anion gap?
Na - Cl - HCO3; anions and cations should balance -> some protein based anions not measured so a little bit of a gap, normal range = 12 +/- 4. Anions not measured = PO4, proteins and specific met acids. High lactate/ketones = large anion gap
What are the common causes of metabolic alkalosis?
Diuretics, mineralocorticoid excess and vomiting
How do changes in K integrate with changes in pH and bicarbonate?
Causes of high K = met acidosis, low K = met alkalosis; Met acidosis + hypoK = renal tubular disease, urinary diversion -> NB: check anion gap, as ketones and lactates are the cause and aren’t measured.

What are the causes of ketoacidosis?
Diabetic KA, starvation and alcoholics
What are the causes of lactic acidosis?
Occurs mainly with lack of tissue perfusion (anaerobic resp) -> shock, liver failure and short bowel
How do we compensate for changes in pH?
NB: high pH = cramps/tetany as pH affects Ca ionisation which affects muscle excitability; low pH = breathlessness, causing strong resp drive. Resp compensation is fast and metabolic compensation is slow

What are the 4 main functions of the kidneys and if there were kidney failure what would the consequences be?
Regulating fluid compartment volumes (ECF/ICF/Na/H2O) [OEDEMA]; electrolyte balance (K and pH) [HYPERKALAEMIA]; Excretion of metabolic waste (urea, etc) [VOMITING AND DROWSINESS]; Hormones (EPO and Vit D) [ANAEMIA, BONE WEAKNESS]
What is the main measure of kidney function?
GFR -> amount of filtrate produced by the kidneys; normal = 90-120ml/min, but not very good as relationship is non-linear, so large loss of kidney function can occur without much serum creatinine change. Determined using creatinine (small molecule, easily filtered, so amount in filtrate=blood amount -> cheap and widely available. BUT creatinine is dependent on factors like age, ethnicity and muscle mass
What is inulin?
Accurate measuring GFR method
Which 2 main formulae help interpret changes in serum creatinine?
Cockcroft-Gault, MDRD -> adjust measurement of GFR based on other factors
What symptoms occur with gradually decreasing kidney function?
Fluid retention, anaemia and bone disease, electrolyte abnormalities, uraemia
What are the differences between acute and chronic renal failure?
Acute: Hyperkalaemia, vomiting, drowsiness (+oedema); chronic: oedema, anaemia/bone weakness (hyperK and vomiting/drowsiness can occur)
What are the causes of renal failure?
Pre-renal - hypoperfusion diseases, caused by hypovolaemia and HF, presents with oliguria; Intrinsic renal - Acute tubular necrosis (insult to kidney which gets better by itself; 2 groups: Ischaemic and toxic and often results from pre/postrenal failure), Nephritis (doesn’t get better by itself) and chronic renal failure (DM, reflux and hereditary kidney conditions); Post renal - blockage to flow of urine = ureteric obstruction or problems with bladder outflow, presents with Enlarged bladder and hydronephrosis
What is the immediate management of renal failure?
Deal with hyperK -> IV Ca, NaHCO3 and glucose; Optimise fluid state -> Not all pts need fluid; optimise drug chart -> gentamycin, NSAIDs and ACYCLOVIR (IV) can cause kidney failure; Dialysis?
What is the management of renal failure after a few hours?
Imaging -> to figure out if pre/post/intrinsic, for post US you can see whether urinary flow is blocked, seeing hydronephrosis (distention and dilation of pelvis of kidney); screen -> metabolic toxins and autoAb (ANCA/GBM); specialist advice -> nephritis (biopsy diagnosis), chronicity (ongoing dialysis)
How does dialysis work?
Cellulose tubing in glass cylinder, with blood on inside of cellulose tubing; diasylate fluid on outside, with diffusion occurring between the 2 fluids of the substances that aren’t present in normal blood like urea and K. Pressure gradient produced (ultrafiltration, helps remove fluid in fluid overloaded pts) Use the pts weight to measure how much fluid needs to be removed from the pts
How is haemodialysis accessed?
Fistulas are artificial joints between arteries and veins which have continuous flow and causes vein to become dilated and thickened; dialysis connected to fistula or dialysis line which inserts into a large central vein; complications: fistulas can become very large, distal ischaemia and infection
What can dialysis not improve in the pt?
Can’t replace hormonal functions of kidneys; anaemia (can cause compensatory heart changes, give EPO to treat it - used to give blood transfusions but they can cause iron overload); Ca and PO4 metabolism (PO4 excretion reduces, vit D decreases so Ca reabsorption decreases, 2ry PTH increase; so BONE WEAKNESS and softening); doesn’t restore life expectancy (NB: Fatter, higher cholesterol = longer life expectancy in dialysis; mortality is due to vascular (vascular calcification) and infectious diseases)
What is peritoneal dialysis?
Dialysis fluid into peritoneal space, and through peritoneal membrane you get diffusion; ultrafiltration can occur by putting sugar into the dialysis fluid - osmotic pressure drawing fluid in. Happens continuously 24/7, and fluid renewal 3-4x per day; adv: allows more freedom; disadv: peritoneal membrane changes so it isn’t as effective, works for about 5y
How does a kidney transplant work?
Transplanted kidneys attached lower in abdo as it is easier to access site and donated kidneys come with shorter ureter. AVAILABILITY of kidneys is a major problem. Outcome: long-term is better overall survival, immediate post-op period has increased risk and older people have greater immediate risk. Lasts for 10y
What are the complications of kidney transplants?
Rejection, immunosuppression leading to opportunistic infection and increased cancer risk