water and carbon cycle 2 Flashcards
what are systems composed of
inputs, outputs, stores, flows and boundaries
input def
Where matter or energy is added to the system
output def
Where matter or energy leaves the system
stores def
Where matter or energy builds up in the system
flows def
Where matter or energy moves in the system
boundaries def
Limits to the system (e.g. watershed)
open system def
when systems receive inputs and transfer outputs of energy or matter with other systems
closed system def
when there are no external inputs or outputs. outputs from one part of the system become the input to another part.
dynamic equalibrium def
when input equals output despite changing conditions.
positive feedback def
when a chain of events amplifies the impact of the orginal event. a system that diverges away from the equalibrium.
negative feedback def
a chain of events that cancle out the orginal event, leading to equalibrium.
is the water and carbon cycle a closed or open system
on a local scale the water and carbon cycle are open systems. but on a global scale the water and carbon are closed systems.
example of the water cycle on a local scale
drainage basins
what type of system is a drainage basin
an open system. water may be lost as an output through evapotranspiration and runoff and water may be gained as an input through precipitation.
water cycle inputs
water cycle outputs
Evapotranspiration, Streamflow
water cycle flows
Infiltration, Percolation, Throughflow, Surface runoff (Overland flow), Groundwater Flow, Streamflow, Stemflow
water cycle stores
soil water, ground water, river channel, interception, surface storage
precipitation def
any water that falls to the surface of the earth from the atmosphere. including rainfall, snowfall and hail
types of rainfall
Convectional, relief, frontal
convectional rainfall def
due to heating from the sun, warm air rises, conddenses at higher altitudes and falls as rain
relief rainfall def
warm air is forced upwards by abrrires such as mountians, causing it to condense at higher altitudes and falling as rain
frontal rainfall def
warm air rises over cool air when they meet as the warm is less dense and lighter. therefore it condenses at a higher altitude and falls as rain
evapotranspiration def
made of evapouration and transpiration. evapouration occurs when water is heated by the sun causing it to become a gas and rise to the atmosphere. transpiration occurs in plants when they respire through leaves, releasing the water they absorb through roots, wich then evapourates.
streamflow def
all water that enters a drainage basin will be released through the atompshere or streams wich drain the basin. these may flow as tributries into toher rivers or diretly into oceans and lakes.
infiltration def
proccess of water moving from ground into soil. MODERATE/FAST
infiltration capacity
Inflitration capacity refers to how quickly inflitration occurs. Grass crops and tree roots create passages for water to flow through from the surface to the soil increasing inflitration capacity. If capacity is reached overlnd flow will occur.
percolation def
water moves from the soil or ground into porous rock or rock fractures. SLOW
what is percolation capacity
how quickly percolation occurs. it depends on how many fracture there are in the rock or the permiability of the rock.
through flow def
water moves through soil into streams and rivers. MODERATE/FAST