capital flows defenition
movement of money for the purpsoe of investements, trade or to produce goods/provide services
globalisation defenition
a process by wich national econmies, societiesd and cultures have become increaslingy intergrated through the global network of trade, communication, transport and immagration
international trade
exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders, inbound trade - imposts amd outbound trade -exports
econimic factors of globalisation
there is an increase in free trade
long distance flows of goods, capital, services as well as information and market exchanges
faster and cheaper transport
growth in TNCs
socail and cultral factors of globalisation
spread of ideas and information
media, sport and leasure
global communication networks
political factors of globalisation
decline of centralised (comunist) economies
diffusion of goverment policies and development of market policies in former communist states
influence if ‘western’ democrasies on less developed countries
BRIC defenition
group of countries where the economies have advanced rapidly since teh 1990s (brazil, russia, india, china)
diaspora definition
a large community of people with similar heritage or homeland who have moved and settled all over the world
leackages (economic)
refers to a loss in income for an economic system. Profits sent back to their base of country by TNCS ( profit repatriations )
more recently emerging economies - Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey
a system of standerdised transport that uses standard sizes shipping steel containers to transport goods. Can be transfered between ships, trains and lorries enabling cheaper and efficiant transport
examples of flows of labour
- not as free flowing as flow of capital due to restrictions on immigration
- huge risks of migration rates in recent years
- most commonly flows within LICs and HICs
- lots of movement within the oil rich middle east in countries like Kuwait, Quatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE
examples of flows of products
- the international flow of products is facilitated, especially for developing countries, by the reduction in costs of trade
- reduce in transaction cost due to improvements in ease of capital transfers
- transport and time costs reduced by contanerism
- the world trade organisation work to reduce tarrifs ( regulate barriers to trade )
examples of flows of capital
- international capital flows = all money that moves between countries which is used for investment, trade or production
- Deregulation of financial markets = late twentieth century, money no longer held within national boundaries
conglomerates definition
a collection of different companies or organisations wich may be invloved in different buisness activities but all report to one parent company (most TNCs are conglomerates)