Water Flashcards
Is mars in front of or behind the frost line?
In front
What is the snow line?
- Distance from star at which volatile species condense into ice grains
- Each species has its own line
What are the sources of water on Mars?
- Underground deposits
- Poles
- Atmosphere
What are the two most popular observations for water on the moon?
2018 SOFIA
What are the origins of Lunar water?
- Impacts
- Solar wind implantation
- Outgassing from interior
What is the most important origin of lunar water?
What are the loss processes for lunar water?
- Chemical sputtering
- Desorption
- Photo dissacosiation
What are the layers of Polar caps on Mars?
- Seasonal ice caps of Co2
- Residual ice caps of H20
- Polar layered deposits
- Sand and dust mixed with ice
What is some evidence for the existence of water on the moon?
1998 Lunar Prospector (epithermal neutrons indicate water)
2009 LCROSS detects 5.6 wt% water in impact plume
2009 LEND detects 4% in Cabeus
2018 SOFIA detects 100-400 ppm
What is the evidence for water on Mars today?
- Detection of water on soil
- Water frost on the surface
- Water ice clouds
- Water vapor in atmosphere
- Hydrogen and water at poles and across surface
What is the evidence of a wet ancient Mars?
- Presence of river channels
- Sedimentary rock, blueberries
- Clay minerals, sulfates
Overview of Water on Jupiter?
- 0.25% water in atmosphere (Juno probe)
- 3 of the four Galilean moons are icy moons: Europa, Callisto, Amalthea, Ganymede
Overview of water on Saturn
- Trace water in atmosphere
- Ice chunks in ring
- Most moons likely contain ice
Overview of water on Uranus
Mainly made of water, ammonia and methane
Overview of water on Neptune
- All moons likely contain ice
What is the total quantity of lunar water at each pole?
Total quantity might be 100–1000 Mton
at each pole
Overview of water on dwarf planets?
- Some transneptunian dwarf planets have icy moons
- Icy dwarf planets: Ixion, Orcus, Haumea, etc.
- Pluto: Nitrogen-rich ice and water ice, perhaps subsurface ocean
- Charon: Mixture of ices, perhaps subsurface water ice