Washington Quiz 3: Chapters 8-11 Flashcards
respect, honor
the quality or state of being right, moral integrity
rude or impolite; having or showing a lack of respect for others
an armed private ship licensed to attack enemy shipping
an area of high ground
a meeting produced by voluntary or spontaneous coming together
the quality or state of being happy
being hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
the quality or state of being at peace
the way that a person behaves, stands, and moves, especially in a formal situation
As Cornwallis and his men marched out of Yorktown in defeat, how did Washington address his men?
He told them not to celebrate, but rather to let all of history celebrate for them.
A few new recruits marched to Philadelphia and demanded that Congress pay them within twenty minutes. Describe Washington’s reaction when he heard this news.
He sent fifteen hundred men to quell these mutineers, and contrasted their deplorable behavior to the veterans who had endured nakedness, hunger, and cold.
According to the text, how should you view your freedom?
You should enjoy the great blessing of freedom from unjust and oppressive laws, but you should beware of resisting the righteous laws of God. Freedom is a license to sin, but an opportunity to worship the Creator.
Describe Washington’s response to his election as president.
He was hesitant to serve, arguing that he lacked the political skills necessary. He humbly submitted to the will of the people promising only “integrity and firmness.”
What was the main source of trouble during Washington’s second term in office, what was his strategy for dealing with it, and why did he choose that strategy?
There was war between France and England. Washington wanted the United States to stay neutral. He knew that the nation couldn’t afford to be drawn into another war.
In 1794, the Whiskey Rebellion erupted in western Pennsylvania. What was it about, and what was Washington’s response?
Congress had passed a tax on whiskey, and a number of backwoods farmers were committing violent acts in protest. Washington quickly organized a large group of troops to be sent out and quell the rebellion. They did so without bloodshed.