Was the LON a success Flashcards
5 aims of LON
Discourage aggression
Encourage cooperation
Encourage disarmament
Improve living and working conditions
Enforce ww1 piece treaty’s
Where was the LON based
Number of countries that joined LON in 1920
Key countries that did not join LON
Germany Russia America
Permanent members of the LON
Britain France Italy Japan
How was League of Nations organised
There were 2 bodies the assembly and the council
Each permanent member had a veto
How did the league punish disobedient countries
Step 1 was moral condemnation
Step 2 was economic and financial sanctions
Step 3 military force
What was the assembly
It was the leagues Parliament every country was represented and only met once a year
What was the council
It was smaller than assembly it had permanent members and temporary members voted in by the assembly
What were the LON commissions
The refugee committee
Mandates commission
Health committee
Slavery commission
What did the refugee committee do
400,000 prisoners returned to homeland
In ww2 the refugee committee acted quickly
They acted quickly to get read of diseases in camps
What were the problems of the refugee committee
Not enough funds
What were the successes of the working conditions committee
Limited child labour 48 hours a week
Band poisonous lead
Abusers were known about they named and shamed
What were the failures of the working committee conditions
Lack of funds
People didn’t listen limited success
Only named and shamed abuses nothing more
What were the successes of the health committee
Spread practice and information is about diseases
Develop vaccines for leprosy and malaria
Prevent plague in Serbia
Reproduce the world health organisation
What will the successes of social problems
Three 200,000 slaves
Raids against slave owners were stopped
4% of workers in Africa were dying instead of 50%
What were the problems of social problems
Only operate in limited areas
Slavery still exists
Still 4% dying
Unable to remove social injustice
What was an example of the league of Nations encouraging cooperation from any nation in business and trade
Delete controlled Austrian Hungary interest rates which stabilise the currency helping circulate banknotes they gave them loans all of this meant unemployment fell this happened in other places as well
What happened in the Aaland islands
1921 midway between Sweden and Finland 90% of the population spoke Swedish both countries had to fight for it delete said it goes to Finland however should maintain government to satisfy the Swedish this was a success because both countries were somewhat satisfied
What happened in upper Silesia in 1921
Industrial area on the border Poland and Germany the population of 50-50 split Troops were deployed to keep peace voted to go to Germany the league built safeguards to avoid further dispute it was split this for success because neither country was particularly happy meaning they were equally treated
What’s happening Vilna
In 1920 the population was largely Polish Polish army march dinner and took control of Lithuania Lithuania appealed for help to the league the league was meant to send troops in but the French didn’t want to because they saw Poland as an ally it was a failure because they did nothing
What’s happened in Bulgaria
In 1925 the Greek Soldier running after his dog went across into Bulgarian border guards short Greek man the second version Bulgarian soldiers crossed Greek border and attack Greeks killing a look out Greece demanded punishment an apology and compensation delete condemned the Greeks required to withdraw 45,000 in reparations Greek update but saw one rule for Italy and another for them
What’s happened in Corfu
Italy marched into Greece because the Greeks killed some Italians and the league decided compensation money would be held by league until killers were found this was a Phalia because it’s one rule For a big power and another for a small Powell
What did the Washington naval conference in 1920 do
Reduce navies to a ratio United Kingdom 500,000 tons Japan 300,000 tons France and Italy 175,000 times each they had to stop building capital ships they had to consult with each other before taking actions in a crisis
What are the problems with the Washington naval conference in 1921
Militaries are still on even the power is found another way to build fighter ships they were called cruise ships and Japan was a rising military threat in the east
When was the treaty of rapallo sighned and who by
By Germany and Russia
What was the purpose of the treaty of rapollo and consequences
Re-establish diplomatic relationships gave up all financial and territorial claims
Cooperate for each other’s economical needs consequences were Germany wants to improve position brackets league of Nations
Alarming power in central eastern Europe
Major international deals made without the league power
When was the Dawes plan signed and who by
Germany and USA
What was the purpose of the Dawes plan and the impact
The purpose was USA lent money to Germany 200,000,000 to pay reparations
Staggered German payments
Help resolve hyperinflation the impact Germany reliant on USA loans and America recall money depression in Germany
Brought USA into European affairs
Andrew Valley crisis
Outside the leagues influence
When was the treaty of Locarno treaty signed and Who by
Germany LON
What was the purpose of the Locarno treaty and the impact
Germany accepts all western borders normalise relationships between France and Germany Germany granted membership to league of Nations in 1926 the impact Germany welcome back
Germany allowed access to foreign support and treat boost
When was Kehogg briand pact signed and Who by
Germany France USA
What was the purpose and impact of the kehogg briand pact
The purpose war will never be used in a state foreign policy again 65 nations agreed the impact concluded outside of league of Nations again gave the question was disarmament necessary
USA got involved again
When was the young plan signed and who by
Germany USA
What was the purpose of impact of the young plan
Purpose was to reduce German reparations Germany given longer to pay impact concluded outside league of Nations USA again involved USA support for Germany not pleasing Britain and France treaty of Versailles time is being altered and changed
What was the impact of the great depression
Damaged economies in trade
Encourage military dictators
Damaged international relations
What is evidence that the great depression encourage military dictators
Many countries start to rehome to reduce unemployment
Germany suffered unemployment poverty which helped Hitler come to power
Japan invade Manchuria Britain couldn’t support Manchuria because economic crisis
Economic problems encourage Mussolini to try and build overseas empires to distract from financial difficulties
Japan was led by army generals
What evidence is there that the great depression damaged economies and trade
Countries introduced tariffs on imports to try and protect their industries which demonstrate
Japan’s main export was still in the USA but the USA was buying less silk
Business in many countries went bust leading to unemployment
What evidence is there that the great depression damaged international relations
Britain was unwilling to sort out international disputes focused on managing her economy
Countries became more wary of each other as rearmament spread France built defences on the German border the Maginot line
The USA was unwilling to assist the league of Nations in enforcing economic sanctions as it would damage its economy even more
What was japan like in the 1920s
What was the impact of Great Depression on Japan
Couldn’t feed population
What were japans reasons for invading Manchuria
Needed space empire
China needed law and order
Wanted more land to crop
Claimed that Chinese blow up railway in Manchuria
How did the league respond to the invasion of Manchuria
Sent lord litten for investigation in Manchuria he decides Japan was in the wrong Japan call Britain hypocrites for having an empire and walk out of league
When was the first invasion of Manchuria
When did Japan push further in to Manchuria
Why did the league fail to stop Japan’s conquest of Manchuria
Bring someone to the good relation
No strong sanctions
Far away
Why was the disarmament conference in the 1930s fail
Nobody was serious about disarming.
Germany proposed all members disarm down to its level when the conference disagreed the Germans walked out
An agreement was finally reached to treat Germany equally however in 1933 Hitler became chancellor and started to rehome and secret
Hitler withdrew from the disarmament conference
The British sign is in agreement with Germany to allow Germany to build its navy as long as it stayed under 35% of the British navy
What’s the food in Abyssinia
Dispute between Italian Ethiopian soldiers Mussolini claimed land and prepares to invade Britain and France sign stressor pact was Italy with no mention of Abyssinia election in Britain British foreign minister makes a speech in the league assembly about collective security no action no Musalini army launches a full-scale invasion of Abyssinia League bands arms sales to Italy loans and Italian imports hesitate about imposing oil sanctions they worry about American support Britain and France go behind leagues back to offer 2/3 of Abyssinia if he calls of the invasion the league decide to stop oil sales but it was too late initially had large areas of Abyssinia and the US were disgusted so the increased exports of oil to Italy Hitler move troops into Rhineland French in a desperate for a talion support Italy have continued to defy league and took capital of Abyssinia Mussolini annexed whole country
Why did the invasion of Abyssinia take place
Italy wanted to extend its empire it had economic problems due to the depression Mussolini knew the league of Nations was weak and could get away with it
What were some things the league could’ve done to prevent Italy taking Abyssinia
Close the Suez Canal Italy couldn’t get there sending troops impose oil sanctions earlier
Why did the league fail with Abyssinia
Absent powers
Lead for Italian support against Hitler’s Germany
Britain and France on willing to take a lead in sanctions or condemnation
Hoare laval plan discredited and disgraced which weakened the league the plan to give 2/3 of Abyssinia to Italy