Warning, Caution, Notes (EP's) Flashcards
Engine Malfunction in flight
2 x W
- Flying with greater than 110% torque with one engine inoperative may result in unrecoverable decay of Nr in the event of dual engine failure
- With engine anti-ice on, up to 18% torque available is lost. Torque may be reduced as much as 49% with improperly operating engine inlet anti-ice valves.
Engine High-Side Failure In Flight
1 x C
3 x N
- If an Np overspeed condition is reached (120%), the overspeed system will flame out the engine an the auto-ignition system will relight the engine. If Nr is not controlled and Np accelerates back to 120%, the overspeed system will flame out the engine again and the auto-ignition system will reset the igniter 5- second timer. The Np overspeed/auto-ignition system will continue until Np/Nr is controlled. A yaw kick mayb be experienced each time the engine relights.
- With high collective settings, Nr may increase slowly, making high-side failure confirmation difficult. Reducing collective will reveal increasing Nr and verify high-side failure.
- Ng does not pass through the EDECU and is a highly reliable signal
- Torque signal may be erratic or drop off for high side conditions driven by EDECU failure.
Engine low-side failure
When an engine is manually controlled with the ENG POWER CONT lever in LOCKOUT, the engine response is much faster and the TGT-limiting system is inoperative. Exercise caution to prevent exceeding TGT limits and keeping Nr and Np in their operating ranges. The Np overspeed system will be operative.
ENG SPEED LOW will display when Np is at or below 96% for greater than 2 seconds.
Engine Torque or TGT spiking/fluctuations.
TQ split of more than 10%
1 x W
PCL movement during engine fluctuations may precipitate an engine failure. Consider perfomring APU Emergency Start procedure prior to manipulating the PCL. Maintaining a low power setting when moving the PCL will minimize the Nr decay rate if malfunctioning engine fails.
Compressor Stall
1 x C
If the Ng decay relight feature attempts to relight the engine, subsequent compressor stall may occur and damage the engine. A yaw kick may be experienced each time the engine relights. The engine must be manually shut down.
Engine High-Speed shaft failure
Np is greather than 3% of Nr and TQ is less than 10%
1. C
Following a high-speed shaft failure, the engine will overspeed, the Np overspeed system will flame out the engine, and the auti-ignition system will activate the relight feature. The engine Np governor will eventaully bring Np down toward 100%. The engine must be manually shut down to prevent further damage.
Oil filter bypass caution
NO CMI’s, Just one NOTE
Consideration may be given to restarting the engine if required for landing.
TGT = Above 949
Oil T = Above 150
Oil P = at or above 120 psi
No CMI’s but 2 x Notes
- The engine oil pressure and temperature cautions is triggered by the vertical instrument. Therefor, cautions and gauge indications cannot be used as secondary indications for each other.
- Consideration may be given to restarting the engine if required for landing
Engine Chip / Low oil Pressure
No CMI’s but 1 x NOTE
The engine oil pressure cautions are triggered by the vertical instrument. Therefore, cautions and gauge indications cannot be used as secondary indications for each other.
ECS Shutdown
List the 3 reasons for ECS shutdown
- Either Anti-ice is ON
- Ice detected with De-Ice MSTR on
- TGT limiting has been reached
- An ECS underpressure situation exist.
Abort Start
1 x C
During aborted starts, failure to immediately stop fuel flow may result in engine overtemperature.
A decrease in N_ will reduce the efficiency of the tail rotor, potentially resulting in an uncommanded ____ yaw
A decrease in Nr will reduce the efficiency of the tail rotor, potentially resulting in an uncommanded RIGHT yaw
Rotor RPM decays rapidly following a ___-_______ failure or the loss of the ______ engine after a single-engine failure. Delay in ________ the collective will result in loss of _____ RPM and may cause catastrophic failure of the rotor system due to ________ ___________ at low RPM
Rotor RPM decays rapidly following a DUAL-ENGINE failure or the loss of the SECOND engine after a single-engine failure. Delay in LOWERING the collective will result in loss of ROTOR RPM and may cause catastrophic failure of the rotor system due to DYNAMIC INSTABILITY at low RPM
WARNING under dual engine failure
Altitude hold will remain engaged unless ________. If the Collective TRIM RLSE switch is not depressed, the ______ will attempt to maintain aircraft altitude. AFCS uncommanded collective movement could result in _ ________ ____ ___ __
Altitude hold will remain engaged unless deselected. If the Collective TRIM RLSE switch is not depressed, the AFCS will attempt to maintain aircraft altitude. AFCS uncommanded collective movement could result in a catastrophic loss of Nr.
Warning under dual engine failure
Flying with greater than ____ _____ _____ with one engine inoperative, may result in ______ decay of Nr in the event of dual engine failure. (If both engines fail, ________ will drop off line at approximately ___ Nr, resulting in loss of both pilot and copilit mission and flight displays.
Flying with greater than 110% Procent Torque with one engine inoperative, may result in Unrecoverable decay of Nr in the event of dual engine failure. (If both engines fail, generators will drop off line at approximately 80% Nr, resulting in loss of both pilot and copilit mission and flight displays.
Autorotation Caution
Should the helicopter balloon or level off during the flare, _____ collective and cyclic position until the rate of ______ increases again. ________ the collective could result in an ____________ sink rate and a harder than desired landing
Should the helicopter balloon or level off during the flare, freeze collective and cyclic position until the rate of descent increases again. Lowering the collective could result in an unrecoverable sink rate and a harder than desired landing
Autorotation Note
With both engine secured, the cushioning collective pull at the bottom of the autorotation will result in ____ yaw vice the ____ yaw associated with practice (power-on) autorotations.
With both engine secured, the cushioning collective pull at the bottom of the autorotation will result in left yaw vice the right yaw associated with practice (power-on) autorotations.
Appears when Engine is below ___ Ng
55 %
Engine Air Restart NOTE
In the event of an alternator failure, the Ng singal may be unavailable. Engine start will not be possible without __ _____ provided to the ignition exciter.
In the event of an alternator failure, the Ng singal may be unavailable. Engine start will not be possible without ac power provided to the ignition exciter.
Engine Air restart
1 x W,C,N
- If APU is unavailable, and a crossbleed start is necessary, maximum torque available will be reduced during the start sequence. Depending on operating conditions, level flight may not be possible. Ensure AIR SOURCE START/ECS switch is placed to ENG for crossbleed start
- For a crossbleed start, the donor engine should indicate the maximum Ng safely obtainable. Receiving engine Ng less than 24% prior to advancing PCL to IDLE may result in hot start
- Etiher a single- or dual-engine restart may be attempted following dual-engine failure. Decision should be based on applicability of respective start envelopes and considerations of longer time to idle when executing a dual-engine start.
Single-engine Landing
1 x W,C,N
- Extreme af cyclic or rapid aft cyclic movement, in conjunction with low or decreasing collective settings may cause droop stop pounding, contact with the ALQ-144, or main rotor blades to strike the tail pylon, resulting in loss of tail rotor drive. This condition may exacerbated as the tail wheel contacts the ground
- Nose attitudes in excess of 13 degress nose up attitude at altitudes of 15 fr or less will cause the tail bumber/stabilator to impact the ground.
- To maximize single-engine capability, consideration should be given to duming fuel once landing is assured.
Inlet anti-ice WARNING
Appearance of the INLET ANTI-ICE ON advisory when OAT is greater than _____ is an indication of a malfunctioning engine inlet anti-ice valve. The resultant loss of torque could be a maximum of ____ when the anti-ice valves are open.
Appearance of the INLET ANTI-ICE ON advisory when OAT is greater than 13 C is an indication of a malfunctioning engine inlet anti-ice valve. The resultant loss of torque could be a maximum of 49% when the anti-ice valves are open.
In order to check ESU BIT indicators, do not secure ____ or _____ switches
An associated APU FAIL light will illuminate on the _______ ____
In order to restart APU, ___ and _______switches should be reset
In order to check ESU BIT indicators, do not secure BATT or APU CTRL switches
An associated APU FAIL light will illuminate on the overhead console
In order to restart APU, BATT and APU CTRL switches should be reset
APU CAUTION (restart)
To prevent an APU exhaust fire, wait at least __ minutes after APU shutdown before attempting a restart
To prevent an APU exhaust fire, wait at least 2 minutes after APU shutdown before attempting a restart
WARNING Abnormal vibrations in flight
A running landing is not recommended due to rotor instability and possible ___ __ ______ ___
Some conditions of severe vibrations may dicatate a more timely approach to a __ ____ _____
A running landing is not recommended due to rotor instability and possible Loss of helicopter control
Some conditions of severe vibrations may dicatate a more timely approach to a No-hover landing
Application of ____ ____ may aggrevate lead/lag tendencies and cause a ______ failure
Application of Rotor brake may aggrevate lead/lag tendencies and cause a Mechanical failure
NOTE Hung droop stops
While operating in ___ weather, consideration should be given to turning the ____ ___ ____ switch to ON. This will activate the droop-stop heaters and aid the droop stops in seating.
While operating in cold weather, consideration should be given to turning the BLADE DEICE POWER switch to ON. This will activate the droop-stop heaters and aid the droop stops in seating.