MH-60R Number limits Flashcards
0 - 810 Continuous Green
810 - 851 30 minutes Yellow
851 - 878 2.5 minutes (10 minutes for Max Power or limiter checks only) Red
878 - 903 2.5 minutes Red
903 - 949 12 seconds Red
949 Maximum Red
Power Turbine Speed (Np)
<96% Avoid Red
96-105% Continuous Green (Yellow above 101%)
105-117% 20 seconds Yellow
117-120% 12 seconds Yellow
120% Maximum Red
During engagement, extended operation in the 20 to 40% and 60 to 75% ranges may cause engine damage.
Main Rotor Speed (Nr)
<96 % Avoid Red
96 - 101% Continuous Green
101 - 120% Precautionary Yellow
120% Maximum Red
>120% 123% Maximum for FCF only Red
127% Overspeed latch Red
Dual-Engine Torque (TRQ) <80 KIAS
0 - 120 % Continuous Green
120 - 144 % 10 seconds Yellow
144% Maximum Red
Dual-Engine Torque (TRQ) >80 KIAS
0 - 106% Continuous Green
106 - 127 % 10 seconds Yellow
127% Maximum Red
Dual Engine Torque limits apply when both engines are above 65% torque
Single-Engine Torque (TRQ)
0 - 135% Continuous Green
135 - 144% 10 seconds Red
144% Maximum Red
Gas generator Speed (Ng)
0 - 102.2% Continuous Green
102.2 - 106% 2.5 minutes Yellow
106 - 107 % 12 seconds Red
107% Maximum Red
Transmission Temperature (XMSN T)
-50 - 105 Continuous Green
105 - 120 Precautionary Yellow
120 Maximum Red
Transmission Pressure (XMSN P)
20 psi Minimum Red
20-30 psi Idle and transient Yellow
30 - 65 (45 to 60 psi in level flight) Continuous Green
65 - 130 Precautionary Yellow
130 Maximum Red
Engine Oil Temperature (Eng Oil T)
-50 - 135 Continuous Green
135 - 150 30 minutes Yellow
150 Maximum Red
Engine oil pressure (Eng Oil P)
22 psi Minimum Red
22 - 26 psi Precautionary Yellow
26 - 100 psi Continuous Green
100 - 120 psi Precautionary Yellow
120 Maximum Red
Normal idle range is 22 to 55 psi
Engine Start with ignition on
<16 º
First Cycle 60 seconds
Second Cycle 60 seconds
Third Cycle 60 seconds
Fourth Cycle 30 minutes
16º - 52º
First Cycle 60 seconds
Second Cycle 30 minutes
Engine Start Ignition Off
Any temperature
Starter engaged 2 Minutes
Starter disengaged 5 Minutes
Starter Engaged 2 Minutes
Stater Disengaged 30 minutes
Rotor engagement and disengagement limitations
Maximum wind velocity for rotor engagement or disengagement is _______ from any direction.
Maximum wind velocity for rotor engagement or disengagement is 45 knots from any direction.
Airspeed limitations
- Maximum (Vne) - ________
- Maximum as limited by blade stall - refer to figure 22-3
- Sideward/rearward flight - ______
- Autorotation - ______
- Boost Off - ______
- SAS 1 and SAS 2 inoperative in IMC - ______
- Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution - _____
- Searchlight in fixed position other than stowed - ______
- Searchlight in transition - ______
- Dome at or above trail (Cable extended 10 feet, dome approximately 6 feet below aircraft) - ______, _______. Dome below trail - ______, _______
- Cabin door opening/closing - ______.
With cabin door open, uncoordinated flight should be avoided.
With MTS installed, failure to maintain balanced flight below 90 KIAS in descents over ______ fpm will result in inaccurate and erratic airspeed indications.
- Maximum (Vne) - 180 KIAS
- Maximum as limited by blade stall - refer to figure 22-3
- Sideward/rearward flight - 35 knots
- Autorotation - 100 KIAS
- Boost Off - 140 KIAS
- SAS 1 and SAS 2 inoperative in IMC - 125 KIAS
- Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution - 125 KIAS
- Searchlight in fixed position other than stowed - 160 KIAS
- Searchlight in transition - 100 KIAS
- Dome at or above trail (Cable extended 10 feet, dome approximately 6 feet below aircraft) - 70 KIAS, 45 AOB. Dome below trail - 70 KIAS 15 AOB
- Cabin door opening/closing - 60 KIAS.
With cabin door open, uncoordinated flight should be avoided.
With MTS installed, failure to maintain balanced flight below 90 KIAS in descents over 1,000 fpm will result in inaccurate and erratic airspeed indications.
External Load and Rescue Hoist Load Maneuvering
Limitations for maneuvering with external loads and rescue hoist loads are presented in Figure 4-4. Rate of descent is limited to _______ for rescue hoist loads.
Limitations for maneuvering with external loads and rescue hoist loads are presented in Figure 4-4. Rate of descent is limited to 1,000 fpm for rescue hoist loads.
Hovering Limitations
- Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering should be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to the window on an open cabin door.
- Hovering turns at a rate in excess of ___ per second.
- Dipping sonar operations at altitudes other than __ feet.
Deviation of aircraft hover altitude from __ feet while transducer assembly is entering or exiting the water may result in damage to the dipping sonar equipment due to electrostatic discharge.
- Do not tow the transducer in the water above __ KGS with array folded and __ KGS with array unfolded.
Exceeding __ KGS with array folded or __ KGS with array unfolded may cause TA cable separation.
Towing is defined as the cable contacting the funnel. Aircraft ground speed may be greater than __ KGS (folded) or __ KGS (unfolded) provided the cable
is not in contact with the funnel.
- Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering should be avoided to prevent accumulation of exhaust fumes in the helicopter and heat damage to the window on an open cabin door.
- Hovering turns at a rate in excess of 30° per second.
- Dipping sonar operations at altitudes other than 70 feet.
Deviation of aircraft hover altitude from 70 feet while transducer assembly is entering or exiting the water may result in damage to the dipping sonar equipment due to electrostatic discharge.
- Do not tow the transducer in the water above 8 KGS with array folded and 4 KGS with array unfolded.
Exceeding 8 KGS with array folded or 4 KGS with array unfolded may cause TA cable separation.
Towing is defined as the cable contacting the funnel. Aircraft ground speed may be greater than 8 KGS (folded) or 4 KGS (unfolded) provided the cable
is not in contact with the funnel.
Angle of Bank (AOB) Limitations
Bank angles shall be limited to the following:
- Normal operations — ___.
- Operations above 10,000 feet DA — ___.
- Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution — ___.
- Boost off flight — ___.
Bank angles shall be limited to the following:
- Normal operations — 45°.
- Operations above 10,000 feet DA — 30°.
- Either PRI SERVO PRESS caution — 30°.
- Boost off flight — 30°.
Rotor engagement and disengagement limitations
Maximum wind velocity for rotor engagement or disengagement is _______ from any direction.
Maximum wind velocity for rotor engagement or disengagement is 45 knots from any direction.
Rotor brake operating limitations
Maximum rotor speed for rotor brake application is __ percent Nr. Routine rotor stops shall be made between __ and __ percent Nr. Routine rotor brake stops should be limited to ___ psi to extend service life.
Maximum rotor speed for rotor brake application is 76 percent Nr. Routine rotor stops shall be made between 30 and 50 percent Nr. Routine rotor brake stops should be limited to 180 psi to extend service life.
Landing Limitations
The following landing limitations apply:
- Maximum rate of descent for level terrain shall not exceed ___ fpm for gross weight less than ______ pounds and ___ fpm for gross weight above ______ pounds.
- Maximum rate of descent for sloped terrain shall not exceed ___ fpm.
- Maximum touchdown speed shall not exceed __ KGS with tailwheel locked and __ KGS with tailwheel unlocked.
- Maximum ground taxi speed is __ KGS. If the shimmy damper is not installed or inoperative, maximum ground taxi speed is __ KGS.
Slope Landing limitations:
a. __ nose-up slope.
b. __ cross-slope.
c. __ nose-down slope.
A low-frequency oscillation may occur when landing nose-down on a slope with the cyclic near the aft stop.
- Downwind landings should be _______.
The following landing limitations apply:
- Maximum rate of descent for level terrain shall not exceed 720 fpm for gross weight less than 19,500 pounds and 480 fpm for gross weight above 19,500 pounds.
- Maximum rate of descent for sloped terrain shall not exceed 360 fpm.
- Maximum touchdown speed shall not exceed 75 KGS with tailwheel locked and 20 KGS with tailwheel unlocked.
- Maximum ground taxi speed is 40 KGS. If the shimmy damper is not installed or inoperative, maximum ground taxi speed is 20 KGS.
Slope Landing limitations:
a. 9o nose-up slope.
b. 12o cross-slope.
c. 6o nose-down slope.
A low-frequency oscillation may occur when landing nose-down on a slope with the cyclic near the aft stop.
- Downwind landings should be avoided
During prolonged ground operation of the backup pump with the rotor system static, the backup pump is limited to the operating times shown in Figure 4-6 to prevent hydraulic fluid overheating.
OAT - Operating time (Minutes) - Cool down time (Minutes)
33 to 38oC - 24 - 72
39 to 60oC - 16 - 48
- With engine and rotor operating
- With engine and rotor not operating
- With ambient temperature of 43oC and above - 30 minutes
- May be operated continuously up to an ambient temperature of 51oC.