Warfare Flashcards
What is a kaiser?
A German emperor
What is imperialism?
Controlling other countries (colonising)
What is nationalism
Believing your country is superior to others
Arms race
Competition between countries for the development of weapons
An agreement between countries that benefits each of them
The fear of being surrounded
Seeing an area of land and making it part of your country.
Name 3 countries in the Balkan’s
Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Herzegovina, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
‘Blank cheque’
To offer to help someone no matter what
Preparing and organising troops for active service
A dugout in the ground troops used to fight each other in
War of attrition
where each side gradually tries to wear each other down.
Western front
The zone of fighting that stretched from Switzerland to the English Channel.
A fighting unit of 10,000 men.
A sword attached to the end of a rifle
A bulge in a line, like a ‘U’ shape in an otherwise straight line
Separated; usually used to refer to different racial groups.
Press ganged
Being forced to work
Shell shock
Psychological disturbance caused by exposure to war. Now known as ptsd
A continued attack with shells, intended to destroy trench defences,
What is artillery
Large guns
Creeping artillery barrage
Artillery barrage moving forwards in small stages just ahead of the advancing infantry.
Soldiers on foot
Confidence and enthusiasm of group
Resisting army or naval leaders
Victoria cross
Highest award given to soldiers of war
Who was Franz Ferdinand
He was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary
Who killed Franz Ferdinand
The black hand gang
Who where the black hand gang
Rogue members of the Serbian government
When was Franz Ferdinand killed
28th of June 1914
Where and how was he killed
With a shotgun while being driven in a open top limo
3 conditions for soldiers in the trenches
Diseases spread quickly, muddy, many rats
What are often forgotten armies
Armies of people who were not white and British
What nationality person shot the first bullet of ww1
An African
How many non white people fought in ww1?
More than 4 million
What percentage of press ganged Africans died?
20 percent
Out of a million, how many died of famine
One third
What date did the battle of Somme start
1st of July 1916
What time did the battle of Somme start
Seven thirty in the morning
What did the British do that thought would help in the battle of Somme
Explode a massive mine in the battlefield
Why was the mine exploded by Britain bad In the battle of Somme?
It left a place for Germans to hide
How many people died on the first day of the battle of somme
57,000 people died
Who controlled the battle of Somme?
General haig
What was general haig before the battle
Very cocky
What did people refer general haig to
‘The butcher of the Somme’
What did some people say the soldiers of ww1 where
Soldiers led by donkeys
Why did England fight Germany in the battle of Somme
To distract Germany’s men from breaking into france