War Communism Vs NEP Flashcards
abolishing grain requisition
Replaced by tax and kind peasants had to give a fixed proportion of their grain to the state, sell surplus on the market .
Ownership of small businesses
Under private ownership,small businesses were allowed to open to make a profit .E.g. small workshops and factories that make good such as shoes, nails and clothes .
Trade ban lifted
Foods and goods could flow more easily between the countryside and towns.
Control of heavy industry
State kept control of large-scale industries like coal, steel and oil.
Successes of NEP
Cereal production
Serial production increased by 23% compared to 1920.
Successes of NEP
Factory output
Factory output rules by 200%
Successes of NEP
Monthly wage
The average monthly wage of urban workers rules from 10.2 roubles in 1921 to 15.9 in 1923.
Successes of NEP
Industry output
Coal, steel, finished cloth and electricity also saw rise and output
Successes of NEP
Grain harvest and production 
There was an increase in grain harvest from 37.6 million tons in 1921 to 56.6 tons in 1923 .
By the mid-1920s there had been a rapid recovery from a lower base - grain production has increased from 1920 by over 25%
Successes of NEP
The amount of land under cultivation Rose from 77.7 hectares in 1922 to 91.7 million hectares which was higher than the 1921 figure at 90.
Limitations of NEP
Production in industry
The amount of iron ,steel and copper produced never exceeded the amount for the last few years of tsardom.
Pig iron: 1913-4216 thousand tons 1926-2,441 thousand tons
Limitations of NEP
State owned industries
The largest state owned industries were not successful. They were heavily subsidised by the state and were very inefficient.
Limitations of NEP
Progress was uneven. The success in agriculture already caused the problem by 1923 with goods in short supply rising in price and the price of food flood and the cities , causing the scissors crisis.
There was limited mechanisation and modernisation in agriculture .
Limitations of NEP
Requisitioning re-introduction
By the late 1920s the reluctance of peasants to sell food for lower prices cause a crisis which had to be resolved by the re-introduction of requisition in 1927
Limitations of NEP
Many aspects of the economy were still inefficient
Limitations of NEP
Industry was labour intensive and inefficient . NEP was not allowing the economy to take off after the initial recovery.
Limitations of NEP
NEP was not warming by 1928. The USSR was 20 million tons of green shot feed the towns .
Limitations of NEP
The rest of the world
There was a war scare in the late 1920s after the rise of fascism and was an in diplomatic relations with the west. This demonstrated how industry weak the USSR were , still being relied on foreign import and Stalin argued they were 100- 150 years behind the West.
War communism
Class base system of rationing was introduced smallest rations given to middle class classes red army are given more than civil servants.
War communism
Nationalisation of industry
All industry under control of the vesenkha
The decree of nationalisation -summer 1918
War Communism
Labour discipline
Internal passports were introduced to people fleeing into the countryside
War communism
Grain requisitioning
Systematically terrorise the countryside forcibly requisitioned
the kulaks were handed in public to terrify the population
War communism
Banning of private trade
All private trade in manufacturing were banned, resorted to a development of black market.
War communism
State capitalism
Allowed some private trade but some industries are nationalised 1917 they have to keep a lot of tsarist structures