Wanted, Was, Had Flashcards
I wanted to come
Quise venir
Did you want to buy something?
Quisiste comprar algo
I came alone
Vine sola.
Llegué sola
Did you come by train?
Viniste en tren
They wanted to stay a bit longer
We wanted to stay
Se Quisieron quedar un poco más
Nos Quisimos quedar
They came by boat
Vinieron en barco
They wanted something
Quisieron algo
I was in Madrid
Estuve en Madrid
Estuve enferma
I had an accident
Tuve un acidente
Tuve una fiesta
Were you here last night?
¿Estuviste aquí anoche?
Did you have a party
Tuviste una fiesta
Were you in barcelona
Estuviste en Barcelons
She was here yesterday
Estuvo aquí ayer
He had an accident
Tuvo un accidente
We had a party
Tuvimos una fiesta
We weren’t here last week
No estuvimos aquí la semana pasada
They were ill
Estuvieron enfermos
They had an accident in spain
Tuvieron un accidente en España
We had a problem
Tuvimos un problema
That night We were at home
We will never know what happened that night.
Esa noche Estuvimos en casa
Nunca sabremos qué pasó esa noche.
They had success
Tuvieron éxito
They were successful
They were on our bus
Estuvieron en nuestro autobús