Hay Había Habra - There Is Some Or Any Flashcards
There are no words to describe it.
It isn’t there anymore
No hay palabras para describirlo
Ya no está ahí - it isn’t there anymore
There will be a lot to do /see
Habrá mucho que hacer/ver
I wanted to tell you
what had happened
Quería contarte
lo que Había sucedido.
(it) could have been broken the neck
Se podía haber roto
la nuca.
Por despiste
By / because of
absent mindedness
By mistake
A lot of accidents occur because of absent mindedness.
Ocurren muchos accidentes por despiste.
I got sidetracked
and didn’t hear what the teacher said.
Me despisté y no escuché lo que dijo la maestra
Someone has to take the dog for a walk. Obligación
Hay que sacar al perra a pasear.
He must have a lot of money, look at the boat he has. Suposición
Ese señor Ha De Tener mucho dinero, mira el barco que tiene.
Yesterday there was a lot of traffic because there was an accident. There was/there were
Ayer hubo un accidente y por eso había mucho tráfico
There will be a flight tomorrow. Futuro
Habrá un vuelo mañana.
I have earned:won.
Present perfecto
Yo he ganado
I had bought
Pasado perfecto
Yo había comprado
I will have visited
Futuro perfecto
Yo habré visitado
It is good that you read
Subjuntivo presente perfecto
Qué bueno que hayas leído
I would have saved
Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo
Yo hubiera ahorrado
I would have eaten
Condicional compuesto
Yo habría comido