Wands Flashcards
Nine of Wands

- Defensiveness
- Perseverence
- Stamina
- Vigilance
- Strength in reserve
- Being prepared.
The Sentinels keep watch from above, ever wary, ever vigilant, the Eternal Guardians. They defend against the unknowns that lie hidden in the abyss – perhaps it is just light and mist and the edge of the world, but they have not ventured beyond. They know only that they have been charged to watch, eyes to the west, from where the light fades each dying day.
Two of Wands

- Personal power
- Boldness
- Originality
- Influence
- Authority
- Courage
Five of Wands

- Disagreement
- Hassles
- Competition/Contest/Rivalry
- Fighting against the flow
- Strife
- Rising to challenges.
Ace of Wands

- Creative force
- Enthusiasm
- Confidence
- Adventure
- Courage
- Personal power.
Three of Wands

- Exploration
- Foresight
- Leadership
- Success
- Seeking out the uncharted
- Expanding horizons
- Taking a long view
King of Wands

- Creative
- Inspiring
- Foceful
- Charismatic
- Bold
- He holds his staff aloft, like a torch, a beacon of flame and light. Or perhaps he himself is that beacon, gleaming as he does with the fire that burns within his chest and as a searing crown upon his brow. He lifts the fiery torch up to illuminate the path and strides forward. The ground shifts, and the denizens of the woods step back. The trees part before him, lifting their branches to make way for his passage. The environment shifts to his will, and obeys his unspoken desires and commands.*
- The King of Wands is charismatic. The force of his charm is irresistible, such that the very world seems to mold to his desires and bow to his will. He is a source of inspiration, and bears his mantle of authority with an ease as if he were born to it. It is his natural element, burning bright within him*
Six of Wands

- Triumph over obstacles
- Triumph
- Acclaim
- Pride
- Arrogance
- Self-importance
Four of Wands

- Celebration
- Freedom
- Excitement and jubulation
- Family
- Happiness
- harmony, prosperity
- Peace
- Letting go of limitations
Ten of Wands

- Burden
- Struggle
- Workaholic
- Being held accountable
- Doing things the hard way.
This Dryad bears the weight of what seems a miniature world upon her back. The support and welfare of the beings who inhabit those towers are hers to nourish with the flow of life’s sap through her branches and leaves. Their soul is the song that spirals up through the foliage from her heart.
Eight of Wands

- Quick action
- News
- Communication
- Conclusion
- Travel
- End of stagnation
- Journeying towards a goal
- A great undertaking,
- Speeding to reward with hope and momentum.
With but the puff of a breath, she sends the seedlings on their way. It is the ending of the lovely flower that blooms so delicately into elaborate spheres of ethereal beauty, but the beginning of a new growth. The seeds spin away on the wild winds – at the mercy of entropy, but sailing with purpose on their gossamer filaments. Sail away and beyond, and then set down to grow to become a mighty tree!
Queen of Wands

- Attractive
- Whole-hearted
- Energetic
- Cheerful
- Self-assured
The denizens of the forest are drawn out by the singing of the harp. The Queen of Wands’ fingers dance across the strings, and she embraces the tree that is her audience of dryads, her instrument, and her living wand. She is dedicated, engaging, and attractive. Her presence exudes confidence, and the knowledge that she can handle anything and anyone. It is not arrogance, but a simple understanding and truthful assessment of her skills and abilities. Mesmerized by this, the world hushes at her entrance to hear her, see her, bathe in her radiance. Her exuberance in life sings out as her hands dance across trills and runs and glissandos upon her living harp.
Page of Wands

- Creative
- Enthusiastic
- Confident
- Courageous
- Passionate
- Assured and assertive
- A messenger
Knight of Wands

- Adventurous
- Passionate
- Daring
- Self-confident
The Knight of wands is an individual full of daring and passion. He is on a journey for adventure. He does not necessarily seek it but his presence invariably spurs rivalry and conflict, perhaps because of his cocky and assured attitude, and self-confidence. He is a knight with a lion’s heart, and the cleverness of foxes, though not always the wisdom to match it.
Seven of Wands

- Aggression
- Confiction
- Defiance
- Taking a stand
- Defending what you believe in
- Strife and stiff competition
- Courage in facing difficulties.
The Vixen faces off against a Badger, while her kits watch from beneath the protective curl of her tail. They circle and circle, sizing each other. The bamboo of the wands signify strength and fortitude – slender supple tenacity that sways in the winds and does not break.
- Timeframe - Days
- Realm - Action/Spirit
- Season - Spring
- Element - Fire