Swords Flashcards
King of Swords

- Intellectual
- Analytical
- Articulate
- Just
- Ethical
- Like the vertical sword he holds at the ready, he is a pillar of strength and morality. He holds power over life and death. He is a warrior king, sword always drawn and prepared to spring to action should the need arise. He carries through with his actions, following the path of truth that the blade lights for him. He is led on by the silent wisdom of the owl, and the shadowy ravens that trail him like Hugin and Mugin, Odin’s twin ravens Thought and Memory. They fly away to seek out truths and bring their findings back to be whispered in his ear. The balance of night and day is embodied in those avian companions.*
- The shadows of the night descend upon his shoulders, a living mantle of porphyry, a color the ancient Greeks associated with royalty.*
- And the base of the throne is etched with da Vinci’s Vetruvian Man, symbolic of the blend of art and science; of the symmetry in the human body, and in the whole of the universe.*
Seven of Swords

- Lone wolf
- Hidden dishonour
- Running away
- Mistrust
- Escaping responsibility
- Making away with that which is not yours
- Uncertainty
- Keeping something to yourself
- Being two-faced.
He hides his face behind a mask, shrouding his true nature, and he smirks in a rather satisfied way that he has managed to steal one of the swords that the Swan Guardian oversees. He thinks the Guardian is oblivious, but she is in fact watching him with one eye. “What have you got there? Shiny bauble! Shiny bright!” the blackbirds demand, drawn to the sullen gleam. He turns his back to them as well; for he is the cleverest Blackbird to have been able to draw this Sword from the Stone.
Queen of Swords

- Honest
- Astute
- Forthright
- Witty
- Experienced
- With her blade the Queen of Swords slices through lies and deceptions to the heart of truth. She is honesty and inner knowledge, sending forth her winged seekers into the world. They are an extension of her being and her soul.*
- The blinding white is the color of purity, honesty, clarity, uncompromised balance; but also of distance, and sometimes death, for sometimes to get to truth one must cast off the old to discard pretense and guile.*
- The Queen of Swords is an intelligent woman, loyal, witty, and humorous in her forthright way. She is valued for her accurate perceptions of the world around her, and her experiences.*
- In the language of flowers, purple dragon lilies are symbols of inner strength, and white chrysanthemums of truth.*
Eight of Swords

- Restriction
- Confusion
- Blindness
- Powerlessness
- Feeling trapped
- Wasting energy on the trivial
- Frozen in crisis
The Brambles Crone lives among the blackberry hedges where the fruit is tempting and sweet, but even the leaves have wickedly curved thorns to catch and hold. The little hummingbird may flit and navigate with ease among such treacherous tangles, but the noble and grand elegance of the Swan with the arcing spread of her wings is not for such tangled and thorny corridors.
Nine of Swords

- Worry
- Guilt
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fear
- Suffering from anguish
- Uncertainties in the night
Stormcrows herald impending dissolution
with voices cawing raucous absolution
round and round and spiraling ever near one future sought - one future feared
The funnel of the sky stretches up to the heavens; an ominous tower of storms with but the hope and glimmer of light high above at the eye of turmoil. “Come to me, come with me,” the voice of the Stormcrows whispers to him from nearby. “Let me guide you through.” With anxious eyes, he gazes upwards, away, oblivious to the proffered guidance through the night of the soul. He clutches sheathed sword close for security, rather than grasping bright blade aloft to light the way!
Two of Swords

- Blocked emotions
- Stalemate
- Denial
- Avoidance of and not seeing the truth
Ten of Swords

- Bottoming out
- Victim mentality
- Final Resolution
- Misfortune
- Burdens to bear
- Ruin
- The end of delusions
- What seems to be a spiraling and uncontrolled plunge
- Sacrificing self
- Desolation and sorrow.
- She falls. The birds do not aid her – their wings are like blades and their feathers are knives that slice skin and cloth alike. Even their raucous cries seem hostile in the gray and indifferent night. The trees below reach out bare-branched claws to the sky; their trunks rotting from within. The End! she cries out to the sky.*
- Or is it just the curtain falling upon an act of melodramatic martyrdom?*
Knight of Swords

- Charming
- Direct
- Knowledgable
The Knight of Swords is the brave hero who rushes headlong into conflict to defend his beliefs. He is blunt and comes directly to his point. He is domineering, a seeker, slicing through the skies with his sword and his wings. A storm gathers in his wake, borne of the turbulence his winged army creates, and he is lifted high above it all to pierce through the chaos. The sword is a beacon.
He calls out to the night’s abyss:
Lift me up spirits of Sky
grant me keen sight of Hawk
swiftness of Sparrow
grant me insight of Raven
brave heartbeat of Hummingbird
bear me up with grace on wings of Swan
guide me with visions of wisdom from Owl
Three of Swords

- Heartbreak
- Loneliness
- Betrayal
- Loss
- Dissapointment
- Receiving little solace
- Isolation
Four of Swords

- Rest
- Contemplation
- Quiet Preparation
- Inactivity
- Exhaustion
- Solitude and rest from strife
- Inner contemplation
- Exile.
Six of Swords

- Gateway
- Travel
- Recovery
- Turning point
- Passage away from difficulties
- Recovery after tribulations
- Experiencing change
- Dispondancy.
Ace of Swords

- Mental force
- Justice
- Truth
- Intelligence
- Reason
- Clarity
- Perseverance.
Five of Swords

- Self Interest
- Open Dishonour
- Discord
- Empty Victory
- Concentrating narrowly on one’s own self-interest
- Power play, battle
- Sacrifice of integrity.
Timeframe - Hours
Realm - Intellect
Season - Winter
Element - Air
Page of Swords

- Use your mind
- Be truthful and just
- Have fortitude
- Vigilance
- Scrutiny of beliefs
- A strong sense of purpose.