Wānanga Structures Flashcards
Go and get 9 bananas.
Tikina kia iwa ngā panana.
Give me 6 cups please
Homai kia ono ngā kapu.
How many apples do you guys want?
Kia hia ngā āporo mā koutou
There are maybe 50 people in the dining hall
E rima tekau pea ngā tāngata kei roto i te wharekai.
(>10 = e)
Maybe the cat is under the house
Kei raro pea te ngeru i te whare
Maybe our friends went to the party
I haere pea ō tātou hoa ki te pāti
The students are still completing their homework
Kua oti tonu ngā ākonga i ā rātou mahi kāinga.
Who has Edward’s cup
Kei a wai te kapu a Eruera?
Perhaps it’s cheaper
He iti ake pea te utu
Maybe Mere is not singing the song
Kāore pea a Mere i te waiata i te waiata.
I will eat instead
Ka Kai kē au
That is in fact a cat not a dog
He ngeru kē tērā, ehara i te kurī
The monkeys want heaps of bananas
Kia maha ngā panana mā ngā makimaki
Give me some more cake
Homai he keke anō māku
The Māori live away from the pākeha.
Kei te Noho wehe Ngā māori i ngā pākeha