Wallis_Carter digestion test Flashcards
- Which is true about the stomach?
J shaped muscular pouch, HCI kills many bacteria that are swallowed with food and helps pepsin work. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- Where does the digestion of carbohydrates begin?
- Which organ is near the end of the alimentary canal?
Rectum. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- Why do we need to break apart food when we eat?
So our bodies can get the nutrients. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- When chyme enters the small intestine what happens?
Base enzyme neutralizes HCL. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- What is bolus?
What food is called after being broken down in the mouth. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- The tongue functions to?
Mix the food with enzymes and position the food for swallowing. WKSTSecFinalDigestionandAbsorption
- Which of the following organs is considered to be a part of the alimentary canal, give an organ.
29 what nutrients are made of amino acids?
Proteins. 60.WKST5F2D5FSec32C5FFinal5FDigestion5Fand5Absorption
32 on the tooth the top part of the tooth is?
Crown. 60.WKST5F2D5FSec32C5FFinal5FDigestion5Fand5Absorption
- Identify the largest organ in the body and its function.
Liver, produces bile to help break down food into smaller particles. 60.WKST5F2D5FSec32C5FFinal5FDigestion5Fand5Absorption
- Give the letter and where the organ is located for the organ in which almost all digestion takes place.
Small intestine, under the large intestine.
- What specifically what is the area of duodenum? Could it do its job with out organ B.
Duodenum of the small intestine. Organ B is the pancreas which produce enzymes to help digest food. No it could not finish the digestive system without the pancreas. 60.WKST5F2D5FSec32C5FFinal5FDigestion5Fand5Absorption
- Give the letter and the name of the organ through witch food is absorbed.
C, small intestine. 60.WKST5F2D5FSec32C5FFinal5FDigestion5Fand5Absorption
39 bacteria in the esophagus make victim an K?
False, small intestine