Walking In The City Flashcards
A paved path for pedestrians along the side of a street.
We walked along the crowded sidewalk, window shopping at the shops.
A marked path for pedestrians to cross a street.
Wait tor the traffic signal before crossing the crosswalk.
A person walking on foot.
The city has designated pedestrian zones for safety.
A bridge designed for pedestrians to cross over a road or river.
Pedestrian Bridge.
The pedestrian bridge provides a safe passage over the busy highway.
The point where two or more roads meet.
Look both ways before crossing the intersection.
To walk in a leisurely and relaxed manner.
We decided to take a leisurely stroll through the park.
A narrow passageway between or behind buildings.
The shortcut to the cafe is through the alley.
A wide street topically lined with trees.
The boutiques are located on the fashionable avenue downtown.
A deviation from the usual route, often due to construction or obstacles.
We had to take a detour because the main road was closed.
Crossing the street outside of designated crosswalks or against traffic signals.
Crossing the street outside of designated crosswalks or against traffic signals.
Disregarding pedestrian traffic signals.
Ignoring traffic signals.
Using lanes designated for bicycles instead of the sidewalks.
Walking in bike lanes.
Not yielding the right of way to vehicles or other pedestrians when required. It’s when you wait until the other cars pass so you can merge. In Argentina, we call it “ceder el paso”.
Failure to yield.
Not yielding the right of way to vehicles or other pedestrians when required. It’s when you wait until the other cars pass so you can merge. In Argentina, we call it “ceder el paso”.
Failure to yield.
Suddenly entering the roadway without giving drivers sufficient time to react.
Darting into traffic.
Crossing the street when the pedestrian signal indicated “Don’t walk”.
Ignoring “Don’t walk” signs.
Crossing the street outside of designated crosswalks.
Failure to use crosswalking.