walking away Flashcards
Cecil day Lewis
it was eighteen years ago almost to the day
a sunny day with leaves just turning
it is an important memory which symbolises it is very significant to the father. the word turning indicates how things are changing and it is natural
your first game of football then like a satellite
wrenched from its orbit go drifting away
the son is becoming more distant and independent and the simile illustrates te father is not the centre of his sons life anymore
with the pathos of the half-fledged thing set free
the father is worried about the son because there is a risk something bad could happen if he is not there
like a winged seed loosened from its parent step
the son is feeling lost and is incisive about gaining more independence
saying what god alone could perfectly show
how selfhood begins with a walking away
and love is proved in the letting go
coming to peace with the new circumstances
god let go of Jesus so that is what the father should do to the son if he loves him and the religious imagery shows he knows its the right thing to do