To stride
To Walk with decisive steps indicating confidence
To march
To walk in a synchronised manner
To pace
To walk back and forth in a small area repeatedly (indicating nervousness)
To stroll
To walk leisurely and casually, enjoying - especially for pleasure without a destination
To amble
To saunter
To walk -UNHURRIED- leisurely and confidently, with a carefree attitude.
To hasten
To move quickly or urgently, as a response of a command
To wander
To walk around slowly without a specific direction or purpose
To roam
To walk or travel over a wide area, without a specific purpose
To prowl
To move cautiously and quietly, as a predator wanting to hunt
To ramble
(COUNTRYSIDE) To walk leisurely and for pleasure, especially in the countryside
To hike
To walk over a rough terrain through natural landscapes
To trek
To walk or travel long distances through a land
To strut
To walk with a proud, arrogant manner with exaggerated movements and to attract attention
To swagger
To walk in an arrogant and self confident manner to show being important
To stagger
To walk clumsy and with difficulty, as going to fall
To stumble
To walk awkwardly or lose one’s balance (MOMENTARILY)
To lurch
To move in an irregular and ABRUBT way (BC CHANGE OF DIRECTIONS)
To waddle
To walk short with short and unsteady steps, as a penguin
To wade
To walk through water with effort or difficulty
To trudge
To walk heavily and laboursly, with deliberate steps through the mud
To hobble
To walk in an awkward way or with difficulty due to an injury (CON MULETAS)
To limp
To walk with difficulty because of a pain (MAYBE IN A FOOTBAL MATCH)
To shuffle
To walk with short steps by pulling one’s feet slowly due to fatigue
To shamble
To walk awkwardly and slowly without lifting one’s feet (ARRASTRAR PIES)
To tiptoe
To walk cautiously on one’s toes
To creep
To walk slowly and carefully to avoid being noticed
To sneak (in/up on)
To walk secretly without being noticed
To stalk
To follow someone without being noticed, with predatory intents
To loiter
To move or stand in public without out a purpose or reason (rather lazy)
To inch
To move slowly and gradually often or advance cautiously
To toddle
To walk in a clumsy way with short steps, as a toddler
To slide
To move smoothly and effortless along a surface
To slip (on)
Resbalar –
To skid (on)
To move easily or slide without control (on ice)