Look Flashcards
To stare
To look at someone or something for a long time with wide-open eyes
To gaze
Contemplar (to look for a long time without being aware)
To glare
To look angrily at someone for a long time
To ogle:
To look at someone with strong interest or desire (lascivamente)
To peep
To look at something through a small opening.
To peer
To look with difficulty, as if you were miope and you forgot to bring your glasses with you
To squint
Achinar ojos
To gape
To look at something for a long time, especially with your mouth open bc you are surprised
To gawk/p
To look at something for a long time in a stupid way
To wink
To blink
To eye
Examinar con la vista, for a long time because you want/dont trust them
To glance
To look quickly at someone or something
To peek
To look at something quickly and secretly because you should not be looking at it
To glimpse
To see someone or something for a very short time and partly