WAIS-IV Flashcards
What ages can take the WAIS-IV (Adult)
16 - 90
Describe Similarities subtest
- Examinee is read 2 common objects or concepts and must say how they are alike
- Not timed
- Measures comprehension associative and logical reasoning/flexibility of thinking
Describe Vocabulary subtest
- Examinee is read words and asked to “tell me what this means”
- Measures word knowledge
- Not timed
- record answers verbatim
- Best measure of g within WAIS
Describe Information subtest
- Examinee is asked questions about a broad range of topics, for example “who was MLK?
- Not timed
- Measures general fund of knowledge/memory recall
Describe Comprehension subtest
- Examinee is asked questions about social and other situations and asked questions, such as “Why should children not be allowed to work in factories?”
- Not timed
- Measures:
- Awareness and judgment in social situations
- Abstract/logical reasoning
- Social problem solving
Describe Block Design subtest
- Examinee is shown 2-D geometric designs and asked to copy them using 3-D blocks (cubes)
- Timed
- Measures:
- Problem-solving
- Spatial reasoning
Describe Matrix Reasoning subtest
- Examinee is asked to identify patterns in designs.
- Examinee is asked to select from an array of five choices which pattern best
- Measures: Part-whole recognition, Pattern completion/inductive reasoning
Describe Visual Puzzles subtest
- The examinee views a completed puzzle and selects three response options that, when combined, reconstruct the puzzle.
- Timed
- Measures: Part-whole recognition, Fluid intelligence
Describe Figure Weights subtest
- The examinee is shown individual pictures of a 2-tray balance scale with weights on one side tray and missing weights on the other side tray. The examinee is required to choose the option that will balance the scale from five choices.
- Timed
- Measures: Visual recognition, Speed of mental processing
Describe Picture Completion subtest
- The examinee views pictures of common objects, nature scenes or activities and is required to identify the single most important detail missing from the image.
- The examinee can indicate the response by naming or pointing to the missing feature.
- 20-second time limit for the response.
- Measures: Quantitative analysis. Attention, concentration, working memory
Describe Digit Span subtest
- The examinee is read a series of numbers of increasing length and required to repeat the numbers in order (Forward), in reverse order (Backward), and from lowest to highest (Sequencing)
- Not timed
- Measures: Short-term auditory memory, Mental manipulation, Auditory recall
Describe Arithmetic subtest
- The examinee is read word problems and required to complete the calculation in their head without the use of paper and pencil
- Timed conditions
- Measures: Basic calculation skills / mental math, Working memory
Describe Letter-Number Sequencing subtest
- The examinee is read a sequence of numbers and letters and asked to recall the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order
- Not timed
- Measures: Mental manipulation, Sequential processing, Mental dual processing and re-organization
Describe Symbol Search subtest
- The examinee is shown 2 target symbols, scans an array of 5 abstract visual symbols, and decides whether each of the 2 targets appear in the array.
- Timed
- Measures: Perceptual recognition speed, Visual perceptual scanning
Describe Coding subtest
- The examinee receives a test form with a coding key at the top consisting of boxes containing a numeral from 1 through 9 in the top half of the box and a unique symbol below each number.
- In the empty space the examinee is required to write the symbol that is paired with the number above in the top half of the box.
- The examinee must complete items in the order presented.
- Timed
- Measures:
- Working Memory
- Verbal and nonverbal information processing
- Graphomotor speed
Describe Cancellation subtest
- The examinee scans two-page arrays of colored shapes to identify target items.
- Timed task
- Measures: Visuomotor speed, Mental processing speed
How many subtests make up the FSIQ?
How many/what types of subtests make up the GAI?
- 3 core Verbal Comprehension subtests
- 3 core Perceptual Reasoning subtests
When to use/not use supplemental subtests
Use when:
- A core subtest is spoiled or invalidated
- Other clinical reason for substitution
- Additional information on specific area of cognitive function is needed
Don’t use:
- simply because one of the core subtest scores is much lower than the others
What are some common administration errors with the WAIS?
- Failure to question responses when indicated
- Questioning/querying responses inappropriately
What subtests make up the VCI?
Similarities, Vocab, Information, [comprehension]
What subtests make up the PRI?
Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Visual Puzzles, [figure weights, picture completion]
What subtests make up the WMI?
Digit Span, Arithmetic, [Letter-Number Sequencing]
What subtests make up the PSI?
Symbol Search, Coding, [cancellation]