W8 - Performance Monitoring Flashcards
What is performance monitoring
Identification and correct differences between an intended and executed response
Neuropsychological symptoms of performance monitoring deficits
- The difference between knowing and doing
- Perseverative behaviour
- i.e. no learning
- Lack of insight
- i.e. denial
What do many clinical group show neurologically in performance monitoring?
Hypoactive ERN/ACC after mistake
- Cocaine users, SZ, AD, Alcohol, borderline personality disorder; medication-naïve adolescents with ADHD;
- However, this could be due to a number of different explanations: task is too boring, doesn’t evoke enough emotion when a mistake is made etc.
What is the exception group which shows hyperactive ERN
OCD and OCD students
Heightened error-related ACC and ERN response

What is the ERN and what does it correlate with?
- ERN in ACC (Medial Frontal Region) approx 50 to 100ms after making an error
- ERN correlates with error awareness
- Confident they made an error = Higher ERN
What is the “Rabbitt effect” and who shows it
“Rabbitt Effect”
Cautious, or slowing, of response times immediately following an error
- SZ Patients, or any group with hypoactive ACC/ERN

What is the two-factor theory of delusion. What does it explain
Explains monoethetic delusions.
- Factor 1
- Depends on where brain has damaged cortex
- Factor 2
- Each share a common dysfunction in belief evaluation
What is the one-factor theory of delusion
- Dynamic relationship between top-down and perception.
- Impaired prediction error system to update beliefs.
What are the 3 hypotheses on what ERN represents?
- Emotional impact of an error #1
- Response conflict #2
- Two competing responses
- Reward less than expected #3
- Relative outcome
The conflict monitoring theory of dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) function argues that it responds to the response conflict inherent to many executive function tasks, such conflict arises from what
Competition between two competing responses, which are typically congruent and incongruent to the task requirements
What is the evidence that ERN represent conflict monitoring (#2)
What is the caveat?
2 Evidence:
- ACC activity during error correlates with slowing of response speed on the following trial
- Greater ACC during an error thought to reflect response conflict in trials
- Separating the “response” from “accuracy feedback” results in greater ACC activity for the “feedback“ compared to “response”

What is the neurobiology behind ERN and the proposed role of ACC based on #2
- ERN in ACC
- Decrease dopamine in Midbrain (Basil Ganglia)
- Correct response
- Increase dopamine in Midbrain (Basil Ganglia)
Proposed Role of ACC
Trasmit value of response to regions critical for behaviour
(.e.g DLPFC for inhibition; hippocampus for learning)
What is the underlying principle underlying human behaviour and how does it relate to prediction errors?
Prediction error
- Greater magnitude of prediction error
- Greater dopamine cell activity
- Likely behaviour will be ‘successful’
The reward prediction model of error:
How does ERN represent outcome relative to expectation (#3)
Reward prediction model of error #3
ACC activity or ERN reflects outcome relative to prediction
Evidence: Gambling Task
ERN influenced more by relative loss or gain, than whether a participants was correct or incorrect
- Gain + Correct / Loss + Error was greater than
- Gain + Error / Loss + Correct

How does ACC lesion relate to prediction error based on animal studies?
What does it suggest?
ACC Lesion in Monkeys
- No impairment in performance immediately after an error
- Intact learning from immediate feedback
- Unable to sustain rewarded responses
- Impaired ability to integrate feedback over time
Suggests ACC integrates value of outcome information
Do PD Patients learn better from Reward or Punishment (Experiment)
Patients off-medication (Low Dopemine)
- Better learning from punishment than reward
Patients on-medication (High Dopemine):
- Better learning from reward than punishment
[Note: Uncommon weird pattern in PD as usually low dopamine means greater sensitivity to seek reward]
Taq1A and learning patterns: Rewards vs punishment
- Low D2 receptors (Taq1A) learn better from reward
- But ‘Typical’ pattern (Normal D2) learn better from negative feedback/punishment
How does ACC represent perceived and unperceived errors? Evidence from antisaccade task.
ERN represents both perceived and unperceived errors similarly (Unconscious detection)
What is Error Awareness Task
Simiar to stroop task
Incongruent: Repeat words or correct colour words, leading to many unperceived errors

What did the Error Awareness Task reveal?
- ACC activity was necessary, but not sufficient, for awareness
- ERN was similar, does not vary in whether participants were aware
- ACC is important for awareness, but does not determine if we are aware
- Insula and parietal activity predicted awareness.
(GSR reveals that they truly were unaware, not just forgetting to tell the experimenter)
What brain areas in drug-abusers/others are associated with poor awareness (independent of task perforamance)
Cocaine, Cannibis, ADHD, SZ, Traumatic Brain Injury, AD
Reduced activity in both ACC and insula are associated with poor error awareness, independent of task performance
- Hypoactive ERN
- Poor insight into their own symptoms
- Poorer inhibitory control performance
- Poorer awareness of inhibitory failures
- Only in repeated trial errors
- Conscious error perception in congruent trials comparable to controls
In cocaine-dependent users, what is the hypoactive ERN associated with and what did it predict?
Hypoactive ERN
- Associated with reduced insight into effects of drug use
- Predicted likelihood of relapse and extent of cocaine use following relapse

What does insula do?
- Involved in all subjective feelings
- Awareness/ Interoception, of afferent representations of the feelings from the body
Why do drug addicts not seek help
It is partly due to lower awareness = don’t realize need for help
What happened to smokers when the insula is damaged. Why
Likely to quit.
Insula critical to awareness of cravings > lost cravings
How does the insula and ACC work together
- Insula
- Limbic sensory
- Site of awareness on basis of afferent representations
- Motor cortices
- Initiation of behaviour.

Why does Methylphenidate influence the magnitude of the error-related negativity?
Methylphenidate influences prefrontal dopamine release
Can we use drugs to enhance ERN (specifically ERN only). What is the underpinning physiological changes
- Single dose of MPH can improve error awareness without much change in response speed, accuracy, or inhibitory control
- Underpinned by physiological changes in ACC (Or parietal in sustained attention)

Neural mechanisms of learning
Strengthening of synapses.
Learning must be associative (emotions, motor planning)
How to maintain durable and flexible encoding
- ) Meaningful encoding upon broader framework
- ) Retrieval Practice
What is the relationship between sensitivty to reward and dopamine
- Less D2 = Increased sensitivty to reward
- Less D2 = Decreased senstiivty to punishment
What is the monetary incentive GNG task
Adding a punishment factor into GNG task

Results of monetary GNG task in drug-abusers vs control (Include Brain Parts)
Punishment manipulation
Significantly improved performance for both groups
- Controls more sensitive to punishment
- Greater post-error slowing
- Insula: r = 0.40; dACC: r = 0.37
- CD shows dimished response to punishment
- Less post-error slowing
- Hypoactvity in dACC and insula
- Insula: r = 0.04 ; dACC: r = -.05

Why was paired-associative learning task developed?
Examine confound: Do gambllers perform badly because of failed learning or risk-taking?
Paired-associative learning in cannabis users - Behavioural and neural results
- Reduced ability to correct
- Reduced ACC and hippocampus
- ACC trasmit value to hippocampus to learn

What is the outcome measure of paired-association learning task
Number of repeated errors
(Number repeats down the sequence. See whether they learn)
What were the results of the associative learning task - Brain Parts implicated
Mistake Learning/Corrected
ACC and hippocampus (learning)
ACC trasmit value to hippocampus to learn

What were the results of the associative learning task when punishment is involved - Neurological results
(What is the implication)
- ACC not modulated by punishment/size of penalty
- ACC detects how it should influence future behaviour
- Insula modulated by punishment/size of penalty
- Insula learn from adverse outcomes, and if no insula, we don’t learn from severity of outcome.
What is ACC related to in learning outcomes
ACC activity reflects the extent to current outcome should dictate future actions. It is NOT modulated by punishment.
- Rmb: leisioned ACC in monkeys showed only last outcome affected and they are unable to integrate feedback over time
ACC and Insula: Summary
- Detect error (conscious and unconscious)
- Both perceived and unperceived errors.
- Not modulated by severity of punishment.
- Determines how current outcomes should predict future behaviour by transmitting information to other relevant regions
- Afferent representations
- Detect error (conscious)
- Perceived erorrs
- Modulated by severity of punishment
Both needed for learning