W8: LMM Part 1 Flashcards
What do you use egltabe( c (“loneliness”, “sex”), data =d, strict = FALSE) for?
To get summary descriptive statistics
When using egltable() and plot(testDistribution) for BETWEEN variables, there is a problem of weighted means. How do you solve that?
Remove duplicate IDs
* egltable(c(“loneliness”, “sex”), data =
dm[!duplicated( ID ) ] )
* plot(testDistribution(
dm [!duplicated( ID )]$loneliness) )
When getting descriptives for continuous RM (within) variables, there is an issue of including total variance (between and within). How do you only calculate the mean of individual means (between units only)?
Create between and within variables using meanDeviations()
m[, c(“Bstress”, “Wstress”) := meanDeviations(dStress), by = ID]
then calculate as usual:
egltable(c(“Bstress”), data = dm[!duplicated(ID)])
If we want descriptives of mean for all observations (regardless of between or within), do we use dstress or bstress?
egltable(c(“dStress”), data = dm)
includes both between + within variance (possible unequal weights participants)
What are 2 ways to group calculation of between unit variance for continuous RM variables
Group by days
egltable(c(“dStress”), g = “SurveyDay”, data = dm)
* or indicate individual timepoints
egltable(c(“dStress”), data = dm[SurveyDay == 1])
For descriptives of categorical (within) RM variables, what are they normally reported as?
Frequencies (N) or percentages (%)
e.g using overall variable: egltable(“Int_Fri”, data = dm, strict = FALSE)
What are the 2 common estimators used with LMMs?
- Maximum Likelihood (ML): population variance
REML = FALSE - Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML): population variance from sample, less biased
What is ML used for?
Model comparisons
What are 2 main uses of random intercept models?
- Model comparison (how much better complex model fits)
- Calculate ICC
“scaled Pearson residuals” from lmer() output is useful to identify what?
Outliers based on “Min” (lowest residual) and “Max” (maximum residual)
Std. Dev of “random intercept” from lmer() output represents what for a random intercept only model?
The average difference between individual’s average score and population average score of variable
Std. Dev of “random residuals” from lmer() output represents what?
Average difference between individual score and predicted score of variable
How do you calculate confidence intervals for random effects?
Using profile likelihood confidence intervals
confint(x, method = “profile”, oldNames = FALSE)
Do we need to check if linear association between predictor and outcome is appropriate for intercept only models?
When interpreting that there are individual differences, do we refer to standard deviation of random intercept or random residuals?
SD of random intercept
After seeing individual differences..
Assuming the random intercepts follow a normal distribution, we would expect most people to fall within..
1 SD of the mean
(Std. Dev. from random intercept + / - est. of fixed effect)
What random / fixed components are shown in this:
lmer(dStress ~ dEnergy + (1 | ID) )
Fixed effect of dEnergy
Random intercept : (1 | ID)
When there is a fixed predictor and random intercept involved in a model, how do we interpret the Std. Dev. of random intercept from the output?
It is the average difference between an individual’s estimated score and population average estimated score when predictor is 0
When there is a fixed predictor and random intercept involved in a model, how do we interpret the estimate of the fixed effect from the output?
It is the mean/average score when predictor is 0
What fixed or random components are shown in this:
lmer(dStress ~ Benergy + Wenergy + (1 | ID) )
Fixed effects of Benergy (average energy per person across days) and Wenergy (individual deviations from that person’s average energy)
Random intercept : (1 | ID )
What does the Std. Dev. of random intercepts tell us from the output of this model:
lmer(dStress ~ Benergy + Wenergy + (1 | ID) )
The average difference between individual’s estiamted stress and population’s average estimated stress when Benergy and Wenergy are 0
What does the fixed intercept tell us from the output of this model:
lmer(dStress ~ Benergy + Wenergy + (1 | ID) )
Average estimated stress score when Benergy and Wenergy are 0
What does the fixed estimate of Benergy tell us from the output of this model:
lmer(dStress ~ Benergy + Wenergy + (1 | ID) )
Expected change in stress on average across days when average energy is 1 unit higher
What does the fixed estimate of Wenergy tell us from the output of this model:
lmer(dStress ~ Benergy + Wenergy + (1 | ID) )
Expected change in stress that day when energy is 1 unit higher than individual’s own average that same day
REML is less biased than ML because it doesn’t require the….
The fixed intercept from lmer() means what?
Average estimated y when predictor(s) = 0
* the mean of the random intercept
What is the difference between Wald and Profile confint methods?
Wald can only calculate fixed effect confint (intercept)
Profile Likelihood can calculate both fixed and random effects