W2: Intro to R and RStudio Flashcards
< OR %1%
Less than
<= OR %le%
less than or equal
greater than AND less than
greater than or equal AND less than
greater than AND less than or equal
greater than or equal AND less than or equal
%!in% OR %nin%
not in
all sample size
d[UserID ! = 56 & NA <= 4]
Exclude ID 56, select observation with NA at or below 4
What are the 4 data types using class()?
Logical, integer, numeric, character
What is logical data?
True (1) or False (0)
What is integer type data?
Whole numbers (pos / neg) e.g -1,0,1,2
What is numeric type data?
Real numbers (whole, decimals, fractions)
What is character data?
Text data, including numbers stored as strings
What does this represent D [ i, j, by] ?
i = rows, j = columns, by = grouping variable
%Y - %m - %d
4 digit 2019 - 03 - 12