w8) impact of circadian disruptions Flashcards
how circadian system impact sleep and alertness
What 2 aspects of sleep is impacted by circadian system disruption?
1) sleep longevity = life span inc w SCN, if c rhyhtm disrupted - shortens lifespan
2) sleep contrlled by process S and C
What happens to the c. rhythm when fetal SCN is transplanted to hamsters?
restored back to 24 hrs
inc lifespan
What happens to the c. rhythm when external light is disrupting it?
SHORTERNS life span
What process controls sleep and circadian rhythm?
peak of circadian wake in?
peak of circadian sleep in?
Process S- homeostasis, pressure, drive load
Process C - circadian 24 rhythm
peak of circadian wake in evening
peak of circadian sleep in early morning
Process C - circadian 24 rhythm
drive for wake opposes? help maintain ?
drive for sleep opposes? help maintain?
drive for wake opposes sleep - help maintain wake
drive for sleep opposes wake - help maintain sleep
Jessy has persistent sleep onset insomnia due to an abnormally delayed circadian clock. What is likely to be happening?
a. Her homeostatic build-up is too slow, resulting in delayed sleep pressure
b.Her sleep time is too early in her biological day, resulting in an attempt to sleep in the “wake maintenance zone”
c.Her core body temperature minimum is too early in her sleep period to allow her to fall asleep
d.Her clock is unable to entrain to the light/dark cycle, causing cyclical misalignment
Men and women (on average) have different clocks. How different?
Women have clocks that desynchronise more easily from sleep, leading to more irregular sleep
Women have a more delayed melatonin rhythms, likely leading to later sleep
Women have a more advanced melatonin rhythms, likely leading to earlier sleep
Women have longer circadian periods, leading to earlier sleep timing
**impacts on metabolism
What are 3 sleep problems that cause metabolism disruptions?
1) insuffcient little sleep
2) circadian clock to behavior misalligned
3) circadian disruptions (light disrupting clock)
**impacts on metabolism
What are metabolism issues/results from insufficient sleep, circadian misalligned to behavior, and light disrupting the c.system?
what 1 thing inc?
what 3 things dec?
INC BMI level, fatter for both genders
DEC - glucose tolerance/insulin sensitivty, signals for full (leptin), reswting metabolic rate
**impacts on metabolism
hormone for hunger
hormone for full/satiated
ghrelin (stomach grrrumbling)
lepin (full)
** impact of cardiovascular health
What are 1 main sleep problem that cause/inc CVH health disruptions?
c rhythm disturbances
light at night exposed/shift workers –> disrupt rhythm –> inc CVD risk
Heart attacks are most likely to occur at what time of day?
early daytime, nightime, midday, anytime
early daytime
what types of people have inc risks of cardiovascular health disruptions related to sleep?
shift workers
What is the most likely common underlying factor increasing vulnerability to a broad range of diseases in shift workers?
a. Chronic exposure to light at night disrupting circadian rhythms
b.Increased preference for unhealthy foods
c. Suppression of melatonin at night and increased melatonin in the day
d.Less overall sleep duration
** impacts on cancer
What are 2 main sleep problems that cause/inc cancer or tumor growth disruptions?
1) dec melatonin (due to light disruptions at night)
2) jetlag schedules