W7: Anatomy L Muscles Of Head And Neck Flashcards
Does the face have deep fascia?
No, only superficial fascia and skin
Pharyngeal arch 1 and its nerves
Trigeminal nerve, V2 and V3
Pharyngeal arch 2 and its nerves
Facial nerve
Pharyngeal arch 3 and its nerves
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Pharyngeal arch 4 and 6 and its nerves
Vagus nerve
What pharyngeal arch are the muscles of the face developed from?
Second pharyngeal arch
What nerve innervated the muscles of the face?
Facial nerve CNVII
6 groups of muscles of facial expression
Orbital, nasal, a oral, auricular, SCALP, neck
Orbital group muscles and their actions
Orbicularis oculi (palpebral and orbital) - orbital sphincter to close eyelids gently and tight closing of eye (wink) Corrugator supercilli - draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly
Nasal group muscles and their actions
Nasalis (transverse and alar part) - transverse compresses nostrils and alar dilates the nostrils
Depressor septi
Procerus - winkles skin on nose and draws eyebrows medially
Oral group muscles
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major, risorius, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, orbicularis oris, buccinator, levator anguli oris
What does orbicularis oris do?
Closes lips, can compress and protrude (kissing), can resist distension (blowing) when working with buccinator
What does the buccinator do?
Prevent accumulation of food in the vestibule of the mouth, help with compression of the cheeks and in babies helps during breastfeeding. Helps stabilise dentures.
What does the levator labii superioris do?
Dilates mouth, elevates the upper lip
What do the zygomaticus major and minor do?
Bilateral action - smiling
Unilateral action - sneering
What does the levator anguli oris do?
Dilator of the mouth, widens mouth when grinning
What does the risorius and depressor anguli oris do?
Depresses corners of the mouth to convert sadness in frowning
What does the depressor labii inferioris do?
Retracts lower lip and everts (pouting or sadness)
What does mentalis do?
Elevates and protrudes the lower lip
What are the auricular group muscles?
Anterior auricular, superior auricular, posterior auricular
What are the SCALP group (occipitofrontalis) muscles and their actions?
Frontalis (frontal belly of occipitofrontalis) - elevates eyebrows and wrinkles forehead
Occipitalis (occipital belly of occipitofrontalis) - wrinkles back of head
Both in epicranial aponeurosis
What are the neck group muscles and actions?
Platysma - depresses mandible, tenses skin of inferior face and neck
5 branches of the facial nerve
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Marginal mandibular Cervical (Two zebras but my cat)
Where does the facial nerve exit the skull?
Stylomastoid foramen