⭐️W6 L2 - Powering stars - Planet formation and migration Flashcards
How and where planets form in both our own solar system and around other stars.
How many criteria necessary to be a planet were presented?
What must a planet orbit?
A star
What shape must a must a planet have enough gravity to form?
Enough to form it into a spherical shape
How much gravity must planets have relative to other objects?
Enough gravity to clear other objects of a similar size out of its orbital path
To form a planet, what must collapse in the first step
A nebula of gas and dust
What does the conservation of angular momentum state will happen to the spin rate of a collapsing gas & dust?
States it will spin faster
What type of disk forms from a collapsing gas and dust cloud?
A protoplanetary disk
What is the process of planet formation called?
What is the first force that is at play to start a planet forming from dust?
The electrostatic force
What force holds clumps of dust together to form a planetesimal?
What force pulls planetesimals together to form a protoplanet?
Above what size can a protoplanet attract ice and gas and start a runaway process?
5-10 Earth
Why do rocky smaller planets form close to the Sun?
because it’s hotter
Beyond what point do gas giants develop?
The frost line
What is the name for the model by which Jupiter & Saturn migrated in then out?
The Grand Tack model
What slows the rotation of a star after it ignites?
Interaction of its magnetic fields with other objects
What gases do gas giants grab?
Hydrogen and Helium
What is the leftover material in a planetary system called?
The debris disk
What are the two ends of the spectrum of composition of debris disk leftovers
Rocky and icy
What composition are asteroids mainly comprised of?
Rocky ingredients
What composition are comets and Oort cloud objects?
Mainly icy
What is the eccentricity value of a hyperbolic orbit?
Greater than 1
What is the Doppler shift planet-detection method called?
The Radial Velocity Method
What is the brightness change method of planetary detection called?
The Transit Method
What was the third method of planetary detection called?
Direct Imaging Method
How many Earth-sized planets does the Trappist-1 system have?