W5: Exposure, Attention, Perception Flashcards
What is exposure?
The process through which the consumer comes in contact with a stimulus
Marketing stimuli includes ALL messages and information about a product delivered personally, through media, or product packaging/store displays.
What are the ways of getting exposure to information?
- Intentional Exposure
- Accidental Exposure
- Positioning of ad
- Product distribution - Selective Exposure
- Consumers are actively fighting the clutter of ads in their lives from various media
How do you measure exposure?
- TV: day after recall
- Internet: page views click-throughs
- magazine: response coupons
- outdoors: traffic
How do you maximise exposure?
- Intentional exposure: through careful targeting
- Accidental exposure:
- sponsorship
- merchandising
- product placement (native advertising)
- unusual vehicles
What is attention?
The process by which an individual devotes a part of his/her mental activity to the stimulus.
What are the characteristics of attention?
- Selective
- conscious decision on what to pay attention to - Capable of being divided
- Limited
What are the factors influencing attention?
- Affective States
- Arousal
- Inverted U Shape (may not be v focused because they are too focused on the actual activity) - Involvement
- Part of motivation
What is focal vs non-focal attention?
Pre-attentive Processing: Even while the focus might be on an article, or on driving, consumers may process ads or other stimuli in the periphery, without even being conscious of such processing
What is processed on depends on
- hemispheric lateralization
- objects on right side are processed by left –> good to have words on right side (and vice versa for pics) - familiarity with brand
How do you enhance consumer attention?
- Personally relevant (choice of medium)
- Pleasant
- Surprising
- Easy to process
What is perception?
the process through which incoming stimuli are registered by one of our five senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch
- Size and shape (tall packaging, interesting shapes)
- Lettering/font
- Colour
- Sonic identity
- Pace of music
- Sound symbolism
- Familiarity
- Sampling
- Psychological (nostalgia)
- Consumer memory
- Cultural variations
- Trust
- Sales person
When do consumers perceive stimuli?
- absolute threshold (bare minimum to be perceived)
2. differential threshold (just noticeable difference)
What is perceptual organization?
When Consumers organize the available stimuli into a unified whole.