W5 Embryology Flashcards
• Embryo folding
o Occurs between days 18-24 after fertilization
o Trilaminar embryo undergoes cranial-caudal and lateral folding to form the tube within a tube body plan
o As a result, top of yolk sac becomes gut tube which is suspended within the tube of the body by mesoderm
o Mesoderm becomes the gut tube (wall of gut, connective tissue, smooth muscle, blood vessels)
o Endoderm become epithelium lining of the gut
o Ectoderm and mesoderm are brought around embryo to form anterior body wall and encase the embryo in amniotic cavity
o Ectoderm becomes epithelium of skin
o Mesoderm underlying the ectoderm becomes components of body wall and limbs (bone, connective tissue, smooth muscle, blood vessels)
• Mesoderm parts
o Paraxial mesoderm (either side of neural tube)
o Intermediate mesoderm (next to paraxial)
o Lateral plate
• Lateral plate mesoderm
o Divided into somatic mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm
o Somatic is in contact with ectoderm
o Splanchnic is in contact with endoderm
• Splanchnic mesoderm
o Surrounds the gut tube and forms wall of gut
o Also called visceral mesoderm
• Somatic mesoderm
o Separated from splanchnic by body cavity
o Forms components of body wall and limbs
o Forms connective tissue and smooth muscle in body wall and libs
o Appendicular skeleton
• Paraxial mesoderm
o Forms axial skeleton
o Skeletal muscles in the body wall and limbs
• FGF8
o Produced by intermediate mesoderm
o Induces lateral plate mesoderm to produce FGF10
• FGF10
o Produced by lateral plate mesoderm
o Induces overlying ectoderm to form apical ectodermal ridge (AER)
o Thickened ectoderm that maintains proliferation of underlying somatic mesoderm cells (progress zone) through production of FGF4 and FGF8
o Promotes outgrowth of limb bud along proximal/distal axis (shoulder to fingers)
o As limb elongates the cells leave the progress zone and are no longer under influence of AER – cells stop dividing and differentiate into cartilage and bone
o Without AER – distal truncation of limb
o Selective loss of AER – facilitates digit formation by reducing FGF amounts in interdigital space leading to cell apoptosis and cessation of cell proliferation in these areas
o Zone of polarizing activity
o Specialized mass of cells in base of the limb bud that regulates development along cranial/caudal axis
o Induced by FGF8 and AER and helps maintain AER through production of retinoic acid (vitamin A)
o Vitamin A initiates expression of Shh which regulates anteroposterior aspect
• Shh
o Sonic hedgehog
o Established gradient of Hox gene expression across developing limbs
• Hox genes
o Transcription factors that define pattern of differentiation from thumb to little finger
• Polydactyly
o Caused by transplantation of the ZPA or implantation of Shh bead to anterior limb bud
• Intramembranous ossification
o Formation of the flat bones of the skull and bones of the face
o Mesenchyme is loosely organized, mainly mesodermal embryonic tissue that develops into connective and skeletal tissues (including blood and lymph)
o Mesenchyme cells differentiate into osteoblasts and produce primary or woven bone (irregularly arranged collagen fibers)
o Woven bone is remodeled to lamellar bone (alignment of collagen into sheets)
• Endochondral ossification
o Formation of long bones, vertebral column, pelvis, sternum, and skull base
o Mesenchyme differentiates into chondroblasts which produce cartilage model
o Cartilage becomes vascularized and is replaced by bone matrix
o Cartilage remains on the surface of epiphysis as the articular cartilage and in between the epiphysis and diaphysis at the epiphyseal plate which regulates growth in length