W5 Different Research Methodologies Flashcards
What are Methodology vs Methods?
- Foundation of research (its ‘philosophy’)
- the description, the explanation, and the justification of methods
- Informs the research process
- Why doing this will prove X is true
- The doing
- The actual tools themselves
Why should we care about methods and methodology?
Your methodology will usually inform and justify the methods you use for research (but not always).
Different research questions/interests will be better suited to different methodologies/methods
What are the methods?
Qualitative and quantitative (or mixedmethods)
What are some examples of a methodolgy? It’s like a lens to research things
Positivist, social constructionist, feminist, Kaupapa Māori.
(Almost like a bias?)
What is epistemology, ontology and axiology?
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. The nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues.
Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality.
Axiology is the philosophical study of value.
Fill in the tree

If we analyse this person using the Ont, Epi, Axi, What would this person be like?

What about this person?

What is a realist, a critical realist, and a relativist?
Realist: There is a real world and objective truth. Just need the right method to measure it.
Critical Realist: Highlights the importance of lived experience as ‘real’ and meaningful in people’s lives, knowing that social ‘realities’ shape people’s lives.
Relativist: There is no single reality, our ways of understanding the world depend on how we come to know it.
Ontology: what is the nature of reality?
The world is interconnected and we have a place in the world.
Epistemology: what is knowledge?
We can understand our place in the world by how we relate to others (people, places, things)
Axiology: what values guide research?
Relationships matter because they are what make us ‘us’
What are some examples of qualitative data collection?
Interviews, focus groups, Photo ellicitation (Response to photos), text analysis, thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis (words spoken), content analysis.
What is the point of INDIGENOUS METHODS?
To bring (((our))) ways of being and knowing into research methods
Is Indigeneity Quanititative or Qualitative?
It’s not tied to a certain way of ding something
What are PŪRĀKAU and why are they used?
MĀORI STORYWORK. A method of understanding how people are because stories provide insight and guidance for us as we move in the world.
STORYWORK AS A METHOD provides an oppurtunity to?
Presents opportunities to think about restorying our experiences and speak back to colonisation