W4 - Theories of Emotions and Guest Lecture 1/2 Flashcards
True or false: Panksepp said that emotions were hardwired but not universal.
False: hardwired AND universal.
Name two properties of emotions according to LFB.
Constructed and highly individualized (unique).
Who famously influenced the affective theory of basic emotions?
Who says that the same behavioural or bodily states can be associated with different emotions?
What is the underlying meaning of BrainMind/MindBrain? To which scientist is this expression belonging to?
Both are not separable ->Panskepp
What are the three levels of cognitive processing advanced by Panskepp?
Primary-processes: tools for living provided by evolution
Secondary-processes: the vast unconscious learning and memory mechanisms of the brain
Tertiary-processes: the higher order functions of mind permitted largely by the cortical expansions that allow many thought-related symbolic functions
Who said that human emotions are derived from evolution?
Who said “we can scientifically understand the foundations of the human mind by studying the basic subcortical emotion systems that can be well studied in animals”?
What is a dual-aspect to the mind?
dual-aspect theory holds that the mental and the physical are different aspects of a unitary reality
How was Panksepp eliciting a putative “basic” emotion?
(Electrical) stimulation of the neural circuit will evoke the behaviour
To which cognitive processing level are emotions corresponding to according to Panskepp?
Is Panksepp suggesting that the three levels of cognitive processing are distinct and do not interact?
No, Panskepp believes that high levels of cognitive processing (secondary and tertiary) depend on the primary level (primitive affective functions).
What is the relation between primal affective states and higher cognitive functions?
affective feelings, homologous in all mammals, have their origins in subcortical structures, and our working hypothesis is that they are re-represented, in nested hierarchies in higher brain regions
True or false: each emotional system defined by Panksepp can code for different emotions.
False: 1 emotional system: 1 emotion.
What are three non-biological factors contributing to shape emotion according to Lisa Fieldman Barett?
Individual experiences (memory), culture, and context
What are the three main dimensions of emotion according to LFB?
Brain, body, environment
True or false: LFB suggests that emotions are not specific to a single brain region and that each instance of emotion is uniquely constructed, but that the same neurobiological structures cannot be used for different emotional experiences.
False: she argues that the same neurobiological structures can be used for different emotional experiences too.
What is allostasis? How do emotions relate to that process?
maintaining stability by anticipating and adapting to changing conditions by adjusting its internal physiological state
Emotions are a byproduct of allostasis functioning
The emotion theory of LFB supports that emotions are constructed through the interaction between several different systems. What are they?
sensory system
conceptual system
affective system
action system
According to the theory of LFB, what is the role of the conceptual system in the generation of emotions?
Interprets sensory information and assign meaning to it
In relation to allostasis, what is predictive coding? How are emotions relating to this process?
Predictive coding is the process by which the brain anticipates an event/destabilization by computing a prediction that is based on past experiences and current context. Prediction errors occur when the prediction did not meet the anticipated event/destabilization, preventing the organism to seamlessly adapt to the disturbance. Emotions are responses to the occurrences of predictive errors.
What is predictive coding relying onto according to LFB?
“Concepts”: whole brain representations shaped by past experiences that predict upcoming sensory events
How do emotions and behaviours related according to LFB?
Behaviours are NOT specific to emotions:sSuggests that circuit mapping studies that link emotion to specific circuits are just revealing mechanisms of behavioural control.