W4 (b) - Micro - Vitamins Flashcards
What’s the fn of vitamins?
don’t yield energy when broken down, rather they ‘assist’ enzymes with breaking down macronutrients. Also produce DNA, protect from oxidative damage and control blood clotting (Vitamin K)
Why have NRVs reference vitamins?
determine the amount of each vitamin required to to best support health (some vitamins can be toxic in xs quanities)
What is a precursor?
A vitamin that becomes active in the body, the one that will perform the fn in the body (provitamins)
Vitamins are organic in nature, what does this mean?
Can be destroyed (light oxidation cooking)
Vitamin Groups can be divided into two groups? What are they?
Fat soluble or water soluble
What does Vitamin A do?
Vitamin A is Beta-carotene – plant-derived precursor and plays a role in gene expression, vision, maintenance of body linings and skin, immune defences, normal production of cells and reproduction
Name 3 sources of Vitamin A
Carrots organge fruits and veg and dark green, spinach, brocolli
What happens if you are defiicient in Vitamin A?
Macular degeneration, night
Can Vitamin A be toxic?
Yes. However, with the exception of liver, not easy to ingest toxic amount of Vit A. However, can be vis consumption of supplements. Can cause liver abnormalities and birth defects
What does Vitamin D do ?
as a hormone to:
• Regulate blood calcium and phosphorus levels, thereby maintaining bone integrity
• stimulates maturation of cells, including immune cells that defend against disease
• acts on genes, affecting how cells grow, multiply, and specialize
Name 3 sources of Vitamin D
Obtained from the sun and from foods:
• Fortified milk, butter and margarine
• Egg yolks and liver
• Fatty fish and their oils.
• Vegans likely to require supplements.
What happens if you are defiicient in Vitamin D?
• Somecommoncancers
• Rheumatoidarthritis
• Multiplesclerosis
• Psoriasis
• In adults, the poor mineralization of bone results in osteomalacia. Brittle, soft, and deformed bones (rickets)
Can Vitamin D be toxic?
Yep, • Vitamin D is the most potentially toxic of all vitamins
What does Vitamin E do and name 3 benefits?
Vitamin E is an antioxidant.
• Oxidative damage occurs when highly unstable molecules known as free radicals, formed normally during cell metabolism, run amok and disrupt cellular structures.
Name 3 sources of Vitamin E
Polyunsaturated plant oils such as margarine, salad dressings and shortenings Green, leafy vegetables
Wholegrain foods
Liver and egg yolks
Nuts and seeds