w3: Regulation of arterial blood pressure Flashcards
What is haemodynamics?
The study of how blood flows through your blood vessels.
What is diastolic pressure?
The lowest arterial pressure measured during the cardiac cycle.
Is the pressure during ventricular relaxation, when no blood is being ejected from the left ventricle.
What is systolic blood pressure?
The highest arterial blood pressure measured during a cardiac cycle.
Is the pressure measured just after blood has been ejected from the ventricles.
What is the dicrotic notch?
A brief dip in systolic blood pressure, is caused when the aortic valve closes, causing brief backwards flow of blood towards the valve, this briefly decreases aortic pressure.
What is the pulse pressure?
The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure, if all other factors are equal the value will be equal to the stroke volume.
What is the mean arterial pulse?
How is it calculated?
What is the normal range?
The average pressure over a complete cardiac cycle.
= Diastolic pressure + 1/3Pulse pressure.
= cardiac output * total peripheral resistance
The normal range is 70-100mmHg.
How does blood pressure change with age?
Blood pressure increases with age.
What two factors determine blood flow through a vessel?
How is this reflected in an equation?
The pressure difference between the two ends of the vessel
The resistance of the vessel to blood flow
Flow (Q) = change in pressure (triangle) / resistance (R)
What is the total peripheral resistance?
The sum of the resistance to blood in all the bodies blood vessels.
This is also called systemic vascular resistance of the entire systemic vasculature.
The driving force for blood flow is ……
Mean arterial pressure.
Why does every main vessel supplying an organ have the same mean pressure?
Due to the parallel arrangement of arteries in circulation.
*arterioles then regulate blood flow to the organs independently.
What are baroreceptors?
What affects how they detect stimuli?
Barorecoptors are mechanoreceptors that detect changes in pressure, when blood pressure increases the baroreceptors becomes more stretched changing their membrane potential to generate an action potential.
The strongest stimuli comes from a rapid change in pressure.
They are sensitive to the degree and the speed at which the pressure changes.
How do baroreceptors in the heart relay information to the brain?
Carotid sinus (neck) baroreceptors are carried to the brain by the carotid sinus nerve which joins the glassopharyngeal nerve at CNIX
The aortic arch baro receptors are carried to the brainstem on the vagus nerve. CNX
Explain the mechanisms for which blood pressure can be decreased by the brain stem and cardiovascular centres after baroreceptor action potential is generated.
Carotid sinus bararecptors signal is carried to the brain stem by CNIX
Aortic Arch baroreceptors signal is carried to the brain stem by CNX
Increased peak impulses from the barorecptors
The Nucleus Tractus Solitarus receives the signal.
Inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system.
Fewer signals are initiated by the SAN, vasodilation occurs and decreases contractility.
This decreases venous return hence cardiac output through Frank Starling mechanisms.
This happens through the inhibitor vasomotor centre and the cardioinhibitory centre
What is the mechanism of increasing blood pressure involving barorecptors and cardiac centres in the brain?
Decreased blood pressure means barorectors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are inhibited so less impulses are carried along CNIX and CNX.
These decreased impulses activated the cardioacceletory centre and stimular the vasomotor centre.
This leads to activation of the sympathetic nervous system leading to more impulses to the SAN, so increases HR. Also increased vasoconstriction to increase pressure and increases contractility, this increases the venous return to increases the cardiac output and blood pressure.
What are the different physiological responses to a hemorrhage to change blood flow?
Blood pressure drops, baroreceptors activate the sympathetic nervous system to increase heart rate and total peripheral resistance
Capillaries - decreases hydrostatic pressure so more fluid absorption by starling law, replaces volume of blood lost
Renin-Angiotensin II-Aldosterone response.
What is the Renin-Angiotensin II-Aldosterone response to hemorrhage?
Increased angiotensin 11
Leads to increased total peripheral resistance
Also leads to increased aldosterone, which causes increased Na+ reabsorption in the kidney, this causes an increase in blood volume.
Eventually increases the mean arterial blood pressure.
What is the unstressed volume of the blood?
The minimum volume of blood required to exert pressure on the veins walls.
Any volume above this is know as the stressed volume.
Explain how the nervous response to hemorrhage can damage vital organs.
Hemorrhage, sympathetic nervous systems causes vasconstriction in order to increase the blood pressure and increase total peripheral resistance.
Due to the parallel arrangement of blood vessels this is not uniform meaning that the constriction can be controlled separately, with more constriction in certain areas such as the skeletal muscle.
The muscle is quite resistant to low oxygen conditions, however prolonged vasconstriction to other areas can cause ischaemic damage and eventually organ failure.
How does a carotid sinus massage work?
What does it aim to do?
Aims to decreases heart rate, treat tachycardia.
Massaging the carotid sinus stretches the baroreceptors, this leads to an increased frequency of impulses being sent along the vagus nerve.
This slows the frequency of impulses released from the SAN, leading to a decrease in heart rate as fewer action potentials are passed through the ventricles, so the time span between QRS complexes increases.
Why is a carotid sinus massage not recommended for the elderly?
More likely to have build-up of atherosclerotic plaque, this could be dislodged during the massage, the plaque can then travel in the blood stream to the brain, where is forms a blood clot, this causes ischemic damage to brain tissue and may causes a stroke.
What is the diving reflex?
What does it aim to do?
The diving reflex aims to decrease the heart rate.
This is caused by the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, the nasopharyn and the oropharynx being stimulated by cold water.
Unable to breath and the oxygen supply to the heart decreases.
This activates the vagus nerve to decrease the heart rate.
The high level of sympathetic vasoconstriction in the periphery maintains the blood pressure and conserves oxygen for the most vital organs, such as the brain and the heart.
How do you perform the valsalva manoeuvre?
- Breathe in deeply and how the breath
- Push downwards and tighten the stomach and abdomen as if constipated.
- Hold the breath for 10 seconds
- Forcibly release the breath rapidly
- Return to normal breathing.
What are the different phases of the Valsalva manoeuvre?
- Increased intrathoracic pressure increased pulmonary return into the left atrium. And compresses the aorta this originally leads to increased blood pressure
- Eventually the build up of intrathoracic pressure, impedes venous return leading to a decrease in store volume so a decrease in blood pressure, this leads to temporary baroreceptor increase in heart rate.
- When the pressure is released the compression stops and the blood pressure increases, this triggers baroreceptors to decrease the heart rate inorder to return the blood pressure back to normal.
What is the modified valsalva maneouvre?
When a person releases their breath they are tipped backwards, so their legs are raised whilst in the supine position, this increases the venous return so a larger increase in blood pressure, this means the baroreceptors are more likely to trigger an action potential to decrease the heart rate.
What is the RAAS response?
A decrease in MAP activates RAS, the renin- angiotensin II aldosterone system.
Due to decreased perfusion to the kidney, renin is produced by JG cells, renin catalyses the conversion of plasma angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1.
In the lungs and kidney ACE converts angiotension 1 to angiotension 2.
The action of angiotension 2, increases blood pressure.
What is the action of angiotension 2?
Is an agonist at the AT1 receptor, this receptors is found in various tissues at is activation has different responses.
Arterioles - vasoconstriction
Adrenal cortex - causes the release of aldosterone, this causes increased sodium ion channels on the apic membrane and increased sodium potassium pump on the basolateral membrane, this causes more sodium reabsorption from glomerular filtrate hence more water reabsorption from following osmosis.
In the brain Angiotension 2 causes the hypothalamus to increase signals from the thirst centre, and the pituitary gland increases ADH.
This leads to increases blood pressure
What is the deal with peripherak chemoreceptors?
Found in the aortic arch and the carotid bodies.
Respons is to primarily decreased oxygen Pa
Response is stronger when combined with increases CO2 and decreased pH.
Causes activation is the sympathetic nerves system to increases vasoconstriction in the peripherals and parasympathetic nervous system to decrease the heart rate, this decrease in heart rate in only transient as the breathing rate then increases.
Increased ventilation then leads to a decrease in heart rate.
What is the deal with central chemoreceptors and regulating arterial blood flow?
Central chemoreceptor are located in the medulla.
When the brain becomes ischemic, the carbon dioxide concentration increases and the pH decreases in the CSF this activates the central chemoreceptors.
Increase in sympathetic outflow causes peripheral vasconstriction to direct blood flow to the heart.
This increases mean arterial blood pressure.
What is the relationship between intracranial pressure and central chemoreceptors?
When intracranial pressure increases, the cerebral arteries are compressed, this leads to a decrease in blood flow. Increasing the backlog of carbon dioxide leading to increased activation of central chemoreceptors.
What is the role of ADH in control arteriole blood flow?
ADH is secreted y the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
V1 receptors - bound to by ADH when in smooth muscle, causes vasconstriction and increases total peripheral resistance
V2 receptors - found in collecting ducts, when bound to by ADH increase water reabsorbption, transcriptional upregulation of aquaporins.
What blood vessel type carriers the largets proportion of blood?
Veins - 75% of blood volume, large reservoirs of blood flow.
Due to a lower proportion of elastic tissue
What are the different proportion of blood flow after the aorta?
GIT 25%
Skeletal 25%
Renal 25%
Cerebral 15%
Coronary 5%
Skin 5%
Resistance is ditributed like this because these main blood vessel run parallel.
What are the different two ciruclatory subsystems?
Systemic circulation - left side of the heart to the body and back
Pulmonic circulation - right side of the heart and the pulmonary vessels connecting to the lungs.
Are the ventricles active in series or parallel?
How does this affect how they act?
Each ventricle has the same cardiac output.
What is venous return?
The amount of blood that filters into the right atrium after going through systemic circulation.
What is the average blood volume of a 70kg male?
How is this distributed throughout the body?
Average of 5L
10% in pulmonary circulation.
5% is the end diastolic volume
85% is within systemic circulation.
What is the role of collagen in blood vessels?
Provides passive tension to blood vessel walls,
*is not found in capillaries
What is meant by the stressed volume?
The volume of blood found within the arteries that travels under high pressure, hence stretches the vessel walls.
What type of blood vessels provides the highest level of resistance?
What is the mechanism behind this?
Arterioles provide the highest level of resistance.
They have a high level of innervation from the sympathetic nervous system.
They have a large number of Alpha1 adrenergic receptors, which when activated cause consconstriction.
What is the role of beta 2 receptors found in skeletal muscle?
Activated by the sympathetic nervous system, bound to by adrenaline.
Causes vasodilation in skeletal muscle, this decreases the resistance to blood flow.
What is the velocity of blood flow?
How can it be calculated?
The rate of displacement of blood flow per unit of time
Q= flow (volume per time) / area
How is velocity and radius of a blood vessel related?
How is this relevant to the differences between capillaries and arteries?
Larger radius = lower velocity (with the same volume of blood)
Think of changing hose pipe shape.
Capillaries have a larger total area hence a slower rate of flow, this is advantageous for maximum exchange.
What two factors influence blood flow?
The pressure gradient across the vessel
The resistance of the vessel.
How can total peripheral resistance be calculated?
Resistance - pressure gradient/ flow
Pressure gradient - difference between aorta and the vena cava
Flow - cardiac output
What is Poisuelle equation?
Shows that blood viscosity affects the diameter and resistance of the blood vessel.
Resistance = 8 * V * L (happy water slide) /pieR^4 (sad water slide)
how is resistance and the radius of the blood vessel related?
Inversely proportional by a factor of four,
Radius doubles the resistance decreases by 16 fold.
Where is series resistance seen in the cardiovascular system and how does it work?
Series capillaries supply the same organ
The total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistance of each section of blood vessel
TR = 1R + 2R + 3R
What are the features in a series circuit?
Resistance decreases
Flow stays the same
Pressure decreases
Artery to veins
Explain the features are relevance to the cardiovascular system of a parallel circuit.
Parallel circuit when the aorta branches off into many individual arteries that supply main organ areas.
Blood flow in each section is different
Hence resistance can be different
Total resistance is less than the combined resistance of each branch
1/Tr = sum of 1/individual branch resistance
Adding a new branch will decrease the resistance.
Increasing the resistance of an individual branch will increase the total resistance.
This means the pressure in each main artery is the same.
What is meant by laminar blood flow?
What is the explanation behind the parabolic shape of blood flow?
When blood flow is streamlined so forms a parabolic shape as it flows through the vessel.
Outer layers of blood closer to the wall have higher levels of resistance so a slower speed of blood flow, in the middle maximal speed of blood flow is reached as there is less resistance from the outer wall and less adhesion to other layers.
What is turbulent blood flow?
When there is an irregularity in blood flow such as a blood clot.
Blood no longer flows in a parabolic shape, blood also flowa radially and axially, this needs more pressure which can be heard.
Explain why we can hear Korotkoff sounds.
Laminar blood flow is silent, turbulent blood flow is audible, causes murmurs when the blood vessel in constricted during a blood pressure test.
What is Reynolds number?
How is it calculated and what does it mean?
Reynolds number is used to estimate the probability that blood flow will be turbulent or lamina.
If Reynolds number is below 2000 flow is likely to be laminar.
It is calculated by multiplying the density of blood, the diameter of the blood vessels, the velocity of blood flow divided by the viscosity of blood.
What is shear in blood vessels?
Where is it greatest?
Shear is the difference in velocity of blood within the same vessel
This is greatest between the motionless layer of blood along the wall and the inner layer.
What is compliance and distencibility in relation to blood vessels?
How is compliance calculated?
Distencibility is the ability of a blood vessel to swell based on the pressure inside it.
Compliance is the ability of a blood vessel to hold a set volume of blood.
Compliance = volume / pressure.
For a set compliance the volume of blood changes for a given pressure, larger pressure = larger volume.
Explain why blood pressure generallly increases with age?
As arteries age their compliance decreases, this means higher pressure is needed in order to maintain the same level of blood flow.
Is blood flow constant at all levels of the cardiovascular system?
Yes, only resistance and pressure change.
Why does diastolic pressure have greater influence than systolic pressure on the mean arterial pressure?
A larger proportion of the cardiac cycle is spent in diastole than in systole.
How does pressure and resistance vary between systemic and pulmonary circulation?
Pulmonary has lower pressure and lower resistance.
Ensures flow through both systems of circulation is equal.
What is the relationship between resistance and radius?
Resistance is proportional to 1/r to the power of four.