Respiration Practical Flashcards
How does pressure change with volume?
Increased volume causes increased area, less frequent collisions so decreased pressure.
Inversely proportional
How do you calculate pressure?
Force in newtons divided by area in m2
What is Boyles laws?
There is a simple inverse relationship between pressure and volume, volume doubles pressure halves.
P (fish symbol) 1/V or PxV=constant
What is compliance? Physics related
A measure of how much pressure is needed to cause a change in volume of a container.
Greater compliance needs less pressure to change the volume.
Is calculated by change in volume / change in pressure.
dV / dP.
Unit = C
What is meant by resting state resting to pressure in the lungs?
When pressure in the lungs is equal to pressure in the atmosphere.
Hence no air moves in or out.
What are the pressure changes in the lung during inspiration and expiration?
Inspiration presssure decreases
Expiration pressure increases
question change
What is spirometry?
A common pulmonary lung function test.
Uses a spirometer to measure airflow and changes in lung volume.
What is a spirogram?
A graph showing the results of spirometry, shows air flow and volume changes in the lungs.
Looks like a line graph (ecg like in appearance)
How are inspiration and expiration identified on a spirometer?
Inspiration = upward waveform deflection
Expiration = downward waveform deflection
What is a pneumatchometer?
A type of spirometer that measures flow rate to calculate volume.
Air is breathed through a fine mesh to create a pressure difference, pressure difference is proportional to flow rate.
Volume is considered the integral of flow.
How do you calculate volume as an integral of flow?
Volume = flow x change in time.
What is the function of a non rebreathing valve in a pneumotachometer?
Ensures all inspired all comes from ambient air, all expire air passes through the flow head for measurement.
What does the volume line show in a Spirogram?
Gradient of the volume line shows the rate of air flow
The amplitude of the volume line shows the volume of expired air.
Using a spirometer with a non rebreathing valve for exercise physiology measures the flow of air during …….
Expiration only
what is meant by tidal breathing?
When at rest we expire and inspire equal volumes of air, only using a small volume capacity of the lungs.
What is the normal breathing rate?
What is the normal respiratory volume?
10-12 cycles per minute
0.5 litres
What is inspiratory reserve volume?
The maximum volume we could inspire into out lungs above the normal tidal volume, this is about 3 litres.
What is expiratory reserve volume?
The maximum volume we can expire from out lungs above tidal volume, this is about 1.5 litres.