W10: OME & APD & Apps Flashcards
What is OM?
OM or OME refers to fluid behind the eardrum, in the ME
OM has as ____ depending on the type of fluid present
Define acute OM (AOM)
when the eardrum is red and bulging, often with pain and fever
Define glue ear
- often follows “acute OM”
- or may occur independently, without fever, and with an inflamed or bulging eardrum
In some instances, the eardrum is ____ to varying degrees
retracted inwards
What are 4 otoscopic signs of AOM?
1) air fluid level
2) full, bulging tympanic membrane
3) redness
4) perforation of tympanic membrane
Who gets OM more frequently?
It is more frequency or longer in certain conditions like cleft lip/palate, down syndrome, APD
The incidence of AOM ____ with age
Occurrence of OM in infants and young children (0-3 years):
- one episode of AOM in around 80% of children
- 3 > episodes in about 40% of children
- the peak incidence occurs between 6 to 12 months
- duration varies from a few days to several weeks or even months (in some untreated cases it may persist for a year or more)
Occurrence of OM in preschool children (3-5 years):
- recurrent episodes in approximately 50-60% of children
- experience of OME can lead to temporary hearing loss in many children
Occurrence of OM in school age children (5-12 years):
- recurrent episodes in about 15-20% of children
- OM remains the leading cause of medical visits and antibiotic prescriptions
Occurrence of OM in adolescents and adults:
- OM is relatively rare
- May occur due to upper respiratory infections, allergies, or eustachian tube dysfunction
What are 7 factors influencing the effects of OM?
1) onset age (more common between 6-24 months)
2) number and duration of episodes/bouts
3) cumulative duration over the years
4) thickness of effusions
5) hearing loss severity, particularly at high frequencies
6) genetic factors
7) environmental factors that increase the risk of severity of recurrent OM (smoking exposure, ambient air pollution)
What are 7 factors contributing to the delay in OM diagnosis?
1) subtle initial symptoms, mild or non-specific, can be mistaken for other common issues (irritability or sleep disturbances)
2) young children’s difficulty in symptom expression
3) misdiagnosis with other respiratory or ear conditions (upper respiratory infections)
4) challenges in accurate diagnosis through otoscopy (uncooperative children, cerumen obstruction)
5) transient or fluctuating symptoms (with periods of relief which may seem resolved)
6) limited access to health services in some areas
7) parents or caregiver delay (parents or caregivers may wait to seek medical attention, especially in mild symptoms)
OM is generally considered a ____, especially when:
harmless disorders, when there is no infection and hearing loss